Chapter 10: Proud and loud

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It was decided. The Paris Squad were going to London Pride this year. They were all pretty excited to be part of this big event, celebrate and join the manifestations in the city.

Imogen, Tao, Sahar and Otis were going also. THEY WERE NOT HOMOPHOBIC, THEY WERE ALLIES!

And we thank them for their service.

Now they were all hanging out in the park for a bit, talking about it a bit.

"It's so important to join, this really is a fight that involves everyone, you know", Elle said.

"Exactly, I mean, straight people usually think this has nothing to do with them, but that's not true", said Tara.

"Yayyy straights, I guess!", yelled Darcy.

Sai and Christian were especially excited about this. It kinda felt like their first time being openly together in public.

"So right! We kinda feel a bit like that, all of this is still very new to us, but we're looking forward!", said an impatient Sai.

"We really want to embrace our queerness in whichever way we feel it!", Christian agreed.

Meanwhile, Nick was just getting in his head for a bit. He'd talked about it with Charlie before, but he still struggled a bit to be open and be able to express himself sometimes.

"Nick, you okay?"

"Y-yeah, just... a bit nervous about the Pride thing, I just don't know if I..."

"Love, you know if you're not ready for that we can just stay if you want"

"No! No, I want to, and I want you to go too, you really wanna do this and you have all the right to do so, it's just that I still don't feel... god, this is hard to explain"

"Listen to me, we can have a moment alone if you want to and you can tell me about it, you know that, right? I'm here, I'll always be here for you"

"God Char, you are the best boyfriend ever, I love you so much"

"I love you too"

"Hey, you two lovebirds, is everything okay?", said Tao.

"Nick, you alright, man?", Otis asked him.

"Yeah, we're just gonna talk alone for a bit", answered a bit flustered Nick.

"Fine, we're just gonna be over here if you need anything", Imogen spoke then.

"If we can help or anything, we're here for you, okay?", Sahar said.

"Let's just let them have their time now, y'all", added Isaac.

And Nick and Charlie just went a bit far away from the group.

"Okay, Nick, just tell me, I'm never gonna judge you or pressure you into anything, I'm by your side, always"

"I love you"

"Now just spit it out, you'll feel better if you do it, love"

"Okay. It's just that... I'm still not sure how to behave, how to act as a bisexual guy, I just don't feel comfortable and safe sometimes. You're just so sure and confident with your identity, and you're just so clever and thoughtful and you're literally the best, I just don't think I'd ever feel safer with anyone other than you and it's just that..."

Everything's Gonna Be Perfect - Nick & Charlie || Heartstopper 🌈❤️🍂Where stories live. Discover now