Feeling of betrayal

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And i'm back with another part of this beloved fan fiction! Hope you enjoy this thrilling and deep part! 💓

Song for the part: Wafia - "Heartburn" ❤️‍🩹

Danielle could not stop thinking about her mission and about how hard it will be. She would never do anything like this, especially after she acknowledged her love and for the first time in forever actually felt happiness. But she knew, that if right now she wouldn't do her first mission, which is supposedly the easiest, she would lose the love of her life forever and she feared that she wouldn't be able to live with that feeling. So she got up, went to the sink and started thinking about how to make it less painful for both of them but at the same time complete her mission. She looked at herself in the mirror and started observing. She felt like a monster and thoughts like "You are a horrible person" or "If you were dead she would have been safe" constantly crawled their way into her brain. But she really needed to get herself together. And that's when she saw another message which said "Hurry up, i don't like waiting for silly girls like you struggling with such an easy task. You have 10 minutes or....you know the drill.". Well yeah, that pressured Dani even more and was absolutely horrifying. So she started panicking and in panic she hit her hand really hard on the sink to the point that her hand started bleeding. But that didn't bother much and she just went for it. I mean, did she have any other choice?

She walked out of the bathroom, half bleeding half crying and was going straight to Haerin. She, on the other hand, was shocked. Haerin wanted to come closer but Dani was fast enough. And now it started.
- It-I-it is all YOUR FAULT!! - Dani tried screaming but sounded really unconfident and was stumbling over her words.
- Wh-what?... - Haerin was even more confused than before. She tried taking Dani's hand because she was concerned about all the blood but Danielle shook her hand away. You could clearly see by their faces that both of them were scared and confused.
- All of this is your fault! You made me do this! You, only you! You brought me to a state like this! How worried i was about you when you were in the hospital, do you even realize!? How all these years i had to keep it cool when that was what i wanted the least!!! You turn my life into torture when i'm not with you! Haerin~ah i-i-i lov-! I mean, i hate you Haerin! - The last part was where Danielle's true emotions were playing the hardest. It was hard to shut up when she just wanted to tell her she loved her. And even more painful to pronounce the word "hate" towards Haerin. And she thought it's the end. How much harder could this possibly be? And she was looking at the floor, guilty and terrified of her own self when suddenly...she felt hands. Around her. And in a matter of seconds she was in a warm embrace of Haerin who was calming her down. She whispered:
- It's ok, don't be hard on yourself, you've had a hard week.

And that's the moment Danielle broke down in tears. She was crying out everything she piled up in herself these past weeks. But it felt good to be able to cry and express emotion in the hands of your loved one. As much as Danielle didn't want Haerin to see her weak side, she was extremely grateful that this darling just understood and reacted with patience towards her.

When she came home she felt relieved. She did the mission but also didn't ruin her relationship with Haerin, so she felt proud of herself. But the anonymous game master wasn't that happy with the outcome...


Thanks for reading the tenth part of my major fanfiction, PLEASE write your thoughts about it in the comment, your feedback really gives me much more motivation to continue 💗

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