chapter 3

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Wanna be free, so god tell me please
What it is ~ Amber Mark

Wanna be free, so god tell me pleaseWhat it is ~ Amber Mark

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Warning: Torture, blood, mentions of violence

"A-appa?" The house was empty, it was quiet. Mi-Sun wasn't here since she would have greeted her by the time she stepped through the door. This made her feel scared

From the moment Jia received her father's text, she knew it meant trouble. Never had her father texted her. It was only for emergencies and she knew damn well this wasn't an emergency.

She quietly walked around the house looking in every room with the same fear she had when she walked inside her house. Until, she heard some noise coming from down stairs.

She walked down the stairs and her father was leaning on the counter right in front of her. She gulped and took a deep breath before approaching him.

"Appa you texted—" Her phrase was abruptly cut of when a harsh slap landed on her face. Jia held her cheek looking at the ground in shock. Her hair cascaded down her face covering her terrified expressions.

Eun-Woo grabbed her hair pulling it back wards as he made eye contact with his daughter. "What do you think this is?" Her eyes widened because she didn't have an answer to his question. Another harsh slap landed on her face knocking her to the ground.

The man approached her making the girl crawl backwards trying to find an escape. But it was all in vain, when she back up to the wall trapping her infront of her father. "A-appa I don't know what your talking about" He kicked her guts making her cough. "Where were you? Huh?" Her head hung low.

Eun-Woo was clueless with Jia's new relationship with the boxer. Jia made sure to keep his existence hidden away because if he knew, Gun-Woo would be dead.

"Answer me when I'm speaking to you!" Multiple kicks were thrown at her and she took it all. He crouched down grabbing her head hitting it multiple time on the wall. Blood splattered everywhere. He smiled at her broken state, this was punishment.

He gripped her hair dragging her across the floor as she hit his hand trying to free herself. "I noticed that this year you have been very occupied, am I wrong?" Jia was brought in an unknown room. Blood was everywhere. Multiple torture weapons were scattered in the floor, some even attached to the wall. Eun-Woo placed her on a chair, strapping restraints on her wrist.

"You have been neglecting your training. You seem to have forgotten the reason why you here. So let me remind you" Electricity coursed through her body as she shook on the chair, screaming in agony. "You became lazy" another shock violated her body as she bit her lip in pain. "Remember why you are here, and what you need to do because if you don't, I'll make sure to kill the reason why your acting this way"

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