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(Nete pronounciation -(Neet) in case you're pronouncing it differently coz my younger brother saw and read it like 'ne te' anyways hope you'll enjoy reading :) -

Nete: Fucking ggrr-argh! .. that fucking asshole!

Nete blurted out against the cold wind that's slamming against his face from his open window after briefly punching the window frame on the side seeing Kai bounces on a soft surface from a portable device down the alley near where y/n hides her motorbike as he hops on it holding y/n then grabs her shaking both arms and legs to face him then wraps her with her black motorbike jacket to keep her tight, close and from falling then started riding her motorbike waving bye to Nete from the 40th floor making him groan in great frustration and anger

Nete's phone rings and vibrates also hearing some muffled noises from outside his room

Nete: What?!

he frustratingly yelled at the phone not checking who it is gripping his long messy hair with his other hand

Jian: Woah, Bro, relax it's me.. what's up? the penthouse near you got some ruckus going on .. did you in anyway got affected?

Nete: *heavily sighed* I'm not. Book the therapist tomorrow and don't call me till 9 AM

Jian: Yeah and also- 

 Nete aggressively drop the call in impatience making Jian got confused but just shrug his shoulder anyway inside a convenience store hearing a loud motorbike passing by fast enough for him to hold his ground the moment he tried to open the glass door to come out

Jian: wángbādàn! (son of a bitch!) tss.. people .. 

He shakes his head and slid down his phone inside his pocket walking calmly towards his car



Nete sat down on his bed half naked his wounded bicep showing with his night gown  totally clean but quite drenched 

Nete: How .... *grabs the wet part of the gown* .. how did she even clean the blood like it never happened.. in the most short amount of time... *sighed* well she's a killer must have known how to wash up .. damn.. and why does she feel so fucking familiar? argh..  and that guy is fucking making me feel so aggravated fuck.. why does he hold her like that?!  *eyes widened* fuck..why am I even aggravated??! for fucking what reason Nete?!  you're being a weird asshole this days.. argh..

his head began aching which made him grip on his hair again pulling them a bit looking around for medicine but ended up seeing his phone with y/n's picture that he took lately flashing on the screen while his gaze soften and picks his phone up

Nete: Who is she...? why does..

He grab his chest looking down at y/n's face her soft skin shines because of  the flash with her one leg showing because of the slit of the gold dress, her hand blurry because of the movement she did 

His breaths narrowed a tear creeping from his eyes feeling a strong yearning, loss and 

love? he thought to himself

Nete: love? how the fuck will I be inlove with someone I just fucking met? *awkwardly chuckle* You sure need a therapist Nete! You're fucking losing your mind! *laughs*

he unconsciously wipes a tear from his left eye making him scrunched his eyebrows up automatically, wiping it again and again while it drops again and again too making him feel weird about himself 

I LOVE YOU 'IRE(POV SEASON 4)Where stories live. Discover now