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y/n (Ireen)'s POV

Life is just a mess, well for me ..

I guess

I just hated how, whoever on earth made me, fuckin make me and then just left me in an orphanage like what the fuck is wrong with them?
They could've just taken birth control or fuckin' abort me or something , if they could not even have the courage to fuckin raise me.. like the fuck...

Argh. Annoying

I couldn't stop sighing as I sip the last bottle of vodka which I spend my last money on to 'cause I'm fucking lost and couldn't fucking care if I could afford another meal tomorrow

I'm so fucking lost

If only my mom, the person who adopted me, well, they're kind but they're full of debts which was passed to me when some asshole killed them


I don't even wanna talk about it

I promised myself not to think about it anymore but fuck

It's fucking the reason why I'm sinking everyday


I still have a lot of dreams and I want to go to Pandora and just live there
It's the only peaceful place to me..
I mean I haven't been there but whenever I see it something in it feels like


Peaceful home

I don't  fucking deserve a life like this

I've been good to people

Well, I have killed people too, but those are not even humans ...but anyway

I stride away from a store and left the empty 5 bottles of vodka
Guess it's enough for me to face another asshole for tonight

I'm just hoping he'll pay me good 

I'm quite tipsy and my vision gets blurry from time to time but well I don't think I'm ever afraid to die

I laughed in misery as I hop onto my bike and put my helmet on about to start the engine but some guy grab my collar

Random guy on the street: What are you laughing about huh?!

I laughed even more
What the fuck is wrong with people? Huh?!
Really?! How could they think that everything's about them?

He's taller than me and bigger but I couldn't care less, I feel like punching someone in the gut too

He looked drunk

Guy: How the hell!-*scoffs* Let's see if you could still laugh after this!

He grab a knife under his shirt and attempted to stab me looking so annoyed but I punch him straight to the face which made him fall to the ground

What a night

I drove towards the m*therfucker's (Nete) apartment feeling a little dizzy making me shake my head from time to time to clear my vision as I feel an excruciating pain on my left arm but I don't have the care and strength to check it

It's painful but it keeps me awake

I laughed again as I park my motorbike the same spot I put it on before when I went here last time but well now...
Not as Straight as it should

Damn... Hahaha

"You're fine ... Hmmr babyyrr!!! HAhahaha hmmm... Oh fuck! The asshole is calling"

I LOVE YOU 'IRE(POV SEASON 4)Where stories live. Discover now