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Kai: Pfft! what do you mean by you're married babe, you've been single like since I met you

Kai laughed so hard at y/n's proud remark while she looked for her phone and whispered squealed in excitement when she saw it on Kai's side table near his bed

y/n: What?! you don't believe me? look! hey! look at this!

y/n tries to show Kai tapping his face towards her showing a pic on her phone 

topless, blue Na'vi

Kai laughed even more

Kai: What?! yeah, yeah sure you're still simping over Mr. Neteyam Sully uhuh?? the *clears throat* married man... 

y/n: What is wrong with you?! *points on the phone screen* look! look closely! he's so fucking hot.. dude if I saw him in pandora ... if ever .. damn I'll kiss him right away.. and plus.. dude we will never even be here by now if they did not save our planet gosh.. haven't you heard of that? Him and his wife's names are like a worldwide memento! you ungrateful btch!

Kai: What?! *laughs harder* 

y/n: I mean look at those arms.. and those abs  damn.. and those blue lips 

Kai: Babe, he's married... and .... he's dead

y/n rolled her eyes and somehow felt a sudden pain in her chest hearing the word 'dead' but thought it was the food so she sip another time on her glass

y/n: Whatever, he's alive to me and I look like his wife anyway so.. *smiled while looking at the screen* Oh to be called Ireen Daebi Sully.. I'm dying .. *giggles*

Kai: *laughs again* Baby.. you sure need sleep.. you can continue daydreaming while sleeping that's better way to do it 

y/n: Shut the fuck up! *sighed* you know what.. maybe he's the reason why something in me feel so comfortable just by seeing their planet during every training in my internship.. 

her eyes shines in a second in calm excitement holding her phone and places it on her chest with her both hands looking at the macaroni and cheese that's halfway eaten 

y/n: Something in pandora.... just ..feels like .. home..

Kai shakes his head while laughing hard looking at y/n making her slowly laugh too but Kai's phone rang then he picks it with Jack name written on the screen making their laugh vanish into thin air

Kai: Yes?

he softly said still looking at y/n while she also began becoming serious too

Kai: Copy. *nods* copy

He dropped the phone and looks at y/n as he heavily sighed

y/n: What's it about?..

Kai: The target is alive.. you're suspended for half a month and you won't get anything from tonight..

he sighed and looked down knowing that y/n needs the money at the moment the most while she just shrugged and fake smiled as she began standing holding her plate

y/n: It's fine

Kai turns around to look at her when she walks to the kitchen then returned to get the rest plate and utensils that they use looking down making Kai feel the need to comfort her 

Kai: You know you can borrow from me right?

he said softly when y/n began washing the plates looking at it blankly while Kai began walking towards the kitchen sink and leans on it looking at her 

I LOVE YOU 'IRE(POV SEASON 4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora