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(Author's note: My bad for the delays, I got so much stuff to do these days and I have been so overwhelmed by your comments though. Thank you very much for reading. I'll literally do my best to make this one of the best stories you've read possible 🤣 I mean if I can so yeah. Sending love ❤️)

y/n (Ireen)'s POV

It feels weird to have a human body it's so different from my Na'vi body before but nonetheless I couldn't shrugged the fact that Eywa had given us another chance in this new world
It feels so foreign and familiar at the same time and I felt so relieved that Eywa even let us meet again after what happened
I cannot put into words what I'm feeling right now
I felt so happy, safe and loved
Thanks to Eywa this Skaxwng didn't marry someone else
And well, now he's extra clingy than he used to be

He didn't let me go
Not even an inch since last night

Nete: Tiyawn..

I flinched to his sudden call while laying on top of him while he never stops slowly massaging my waist since last night when we stopped
I'm just rubbing my palm on his cheek but my eyes are closed and I can't seem to sleep with him putting his chin over my head with his other arm wrapped around me as I can hear his slow breath, also rubbing my back upper shoulder from time to time
He didn't changed
He's still my husband
The Neteyam I know
This overprotective Skaxwng never changed at all
Even if he looked different he acts the same
So the same
His gentle warm caress on me, the way he's concern if I got hurt or felt any slight discomfort
The way he hold me non-stop on his arms that made me feel so safe


I mumbled back still eyes shut feeling how warm his body against mine is
I noticed him moved his hand from my shoulder to my hair and gently taps it on there adjusting me up in a second to kiss my forehead

Nete: I'm sorry..

His voice sounded so sad when he whispered those words that made me open my eyes

"Hm? For what?"

Nete: That... You've been hurt all this time living miserably.. and I was not .. *sigh* I-I was not there..

I felt his sadness inside of him rushing down his being with regret and a little bit of anger in it so I raise my head to look at him and kiss him in a second

"It's fine.. its not your fault"

He slightly smiled in a second but went back sighing in deep concern
I raise my other hand to fully cup his face with my two bare hands as I felt him becoming emotional again his eyes turn wet instantly about to drop a tear in any second

Nete: No.. *grunts* I'm your husband.. Tiyawn.. I'm supposed to be there and protect you at all cost .. You're supposed to not get.. hurt in any way.. you're supposed to be s-safe and-

A tear from his left eye finally dropped while it sounded so dramatic like he's always been but I can feel his deep anger,sadness and frustration inside of him so I decided to shushed him again as I run my thumb on his lips but his tears continues to drop

"Skaxwng.. *sigh* we didn't remember each other that times yet.. of course you wouldn't be able to be there.. "

Nete: I don't fucking care..

He said groaning in frustration as he look away from my gaze while I wipe his tear gritting his teeth when he said it

Nete: you.. fucking don't deserve all those things.. you've been through so much since we are in pandora and now.. hargh.. now this..  I feel so useless.. I'm... I'm-

I LOVE YOU 'IRE(POV SEASON 4)Where stories live. Discover now