Part :- 5

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Y/n pov.....

I woke up when the sun rays hit my eyes.
I looked around the room to find no one.

I sigh of relief left me lips that he was not her but it didn't lasted long as I heard the shower sound from the bathroom.

I looked towards my feet and founded that they were bandaged.


But I couldn't ignore the fact that the devil made me disabled for few days. What was my mistake, I tried to run away........ no my biggest mistake was that I went to the concert.

I was in my thoughts that I didn't realised that he had came out of the bathroom until....

"Good morning angel" he said in his deep voice but the voice clearly indicated that he needs an answer from me.

"G..Good mor..morning" I said stuttering due to his fear that if I didn't answerd something will happen to me which I didn't wanted.

He nodded and went towards the closet.

I sighed with relief as he will leave now. I wouldn't have to see him whole day.

But seems like god is angry with me from past few days.

He came out of the closet wearing casual clothes and came near me.

He sat next to me and held my cheeks in his hands.

"I am free today,so that means I can spend my whole day with you, you are happy right?" He said with a smile that was creeping me out.

"" it escaped from my lips without my knowledge.

His eyes darkened after hearing my answer but he sighed darkly maybe trying to control himself from hurting me?...... well I don't think so.

He grabbed my hairs from back tightly and pulled me near him.

"Why are you not happy angel" he asked darkly looking at me.

Tears started forming in my eyes.

But no I will not let him win this time. I will fight for my self.

"Cause I d..don't wan..want to be" I said with courage but fear was visible in my voice.

"Doesn't matter if you want it or not" he chuckled and said sending shivers down my spine.

But no I will not fell weak infront of him.

"Why are you doing this? You guys are betraying millions of peo-


My face was turned to another side and the pain was unbearable.

He slapped me. The reason I don't know.

But then he again made me face him.

I looked at him but the sight scared the shit out of me.

His eyes were not only dark but it were spitting blood. The eyes were really dangerous to look at. The eyes that always had scared me. His eyes, I can't be hallucinated not in his matter.

"Ahhh" a painful scream left my lips when I felt pressure on my feet.

I looked at taehyung and saw he was smirking.

How can he be so much heartless.

His one hand was grabbing my hairs tightly while the other was on feet.

"Don't you dare to use that pretty mouth of yours to spit out bullshits understood" he said huskily near my ears.

I nodded but "ahhhhh" he again pressed my feet but this time it was hardly pressed.

Idol's only obsession Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now