Fresh Start

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     Moving to a new school is something I would originally think to be anxiety inducing, but the excitement of the new possibilities was all I could think about. The change wasn't something I have had long to think over anyways, so I suppose I hadn't given the anxiety long enough to set in.
     Fresh into summer after completing my fifth year at Beauxbatons Academy, my father received word from the Ministry of Magic that he must move, a job requiring him far away, much closer to another school. My family of three soon decided we must move, and shortly after I was enrolled into Hogwarts for my sixth year.
     I had one last day, one last evening, here at home before we officially moved with the very last of our belongings. My last day in my childhood home. I wasn't too upset about the move but the moving took more than just a few days and the change was something new to get used to. It wasn't the most convenient and moving schools just added to the inconvenience.
     We'd just finished moving into our new manor and everything was similar. We had all of our belongings moved and my mother arranged the furniture very similar to how it used to be.
     I entered the manor, having finished my school shopping today. I was almost up the stairs as my father called out, "oh, Jade?"
     "Yes, father?" I called back.
     "We will be expecting you down in the dinner room this evening in a quarter of an hour for dinner, we have some things we'd like to talk to you about." My father deep voice rang through the open foyer.
      I nod my head, turning and heading up the rest of the stairs. I make it to my room at last, opening my door and closing it shut. My room was the same as before, but the wood floors were a much darker brown, although. I walk over to my desk and pick up the official acceptance letter of Hogwarts. I fiddle with it for a minute, but then I catch a glance in the full body mirror hung up across the room from where I stood.
     I walked over and started to examine myself. I comb my fingers through my long, dark brown hair. I've always had straight hair, which was easy, but always so boring to me. I step close to the mirror and start to examine my face. My eyes, forest green, too much like my mothers. My dark eyebrows and eyelashes caught my attention next. I then ran my fingers across my face, over all the imperfections on my skin.
     I let my mind start to wonder to the topic it had struggled to forget. Was Hogwarts much like Beauxbatons? I had stayed there during the Tri-Wizard tournaments but I didn't get the full experience of being a student there. It did help that I knew how to get around the castle though, I didn't want to embarrass myself by asking for directions. I knew which classes I had been enrolled in but my professors were yet to be determined.
     I knew the basics of what each House meant, and I knew you were sorted by some old hat but that was all I really knew. The only thing that kept me excited about the change of schools was the quidditch team. I've played on plenty of private teams, since Beauxbatons has never had one of their own. They prefer dance. I tried that one year, I was good, but it wasn't really my thing. There was no competition, just performances, which kept it boring.
I stopped myself from thinking about either of the schools any longer and walked over to my trunk and started sorting through my things. There was so much competition for room in my trunk. I got carried away but I quickly became time for dinner.
I hurried out of my room a downstairs, I was two minutes later then when my father had asked me to be at dinner. I made my way into the dinner room, sitting down on a detailed wooden chair. I gave a tight smile to my mother.
     I had sat down on the length of the table, where I always have, my parents sitting on each end. I reach up and start to fill my plate with my favorites as my father begins.
     "Jade, I wanted to speak to you about who you are going to be spending time with," I start eating, while my father speaks.
     "Darling, I know how you may feel about what we are about to ask of you," my mother pipes in, "but these things really do matter now with your father's new position," I swallowed my food and sighed. My parents had talked about this kind of thing before, I just never listened to them.
     "I'm sure you realize, you will now be schooled along with Harry Potter, and his friends. You mustn't socialize with them. The boy has wild ideas and is not respectable company for our family, especially as of recently. Now, there are several family names you should look for, but there's one specially you must make friends with." My father has always liked to keep our family name respectful, I wasn't surprised by what he was asking of me. I just hoped he didn't expect much out of these fake friendships.
My mother picks up where my father left off, "the Malfoy's. Oh dear, you'll love them. Draco is your age and I've seen him," she paused looking at me with a slightly mischievous smile, "I can see you too getting along quite nicely. Narcissa and I had tea last Sunday, that's his mother of course, and were so alike. You see your father will be working with his father, Lucius, so it's very important-"I cut her off.
"I realize that," I've heard enough of this, I hated being used. Being used as a way to further a tie between families. It was hard to become friends with someone you had no choice in picking, but that was my reality.
My father starts again, "we will see how you've done in the winter," he paused to pick up the news paper siting on the table beside his plate, "there will be a dinner party for all the ministry members, the Malfoy's always host," he took a drink of his scotch.
"Oh and don't worry dear," my mother jumps back in, "there'll be plenty of time for me to find you a dress by then."
"I'm not too worried about that, mother," I had finished my food, so I stood up, "I must finish packing, I'll have to be at the train station early tomorrow morning."
     "Good luck on your quidditch tryouts my dear," my mother smiled, "I know you'll do great things at Hogwarts." My mother was always the kind one at home, unfortunately my father seemed to always sour my mother's warm mood.
"Oh and Jade," my father called out, looking over top of his copy of the daily prophet, "I'll be sending you letters, updating you on anything I might have for you to do at Hogwarts," his eyes then darkened, "they will not be requests."
I nodded quickly and then hurried out of the room. I got the feeling there would definitely be things asked of me I would not want to be a part of.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now