True Beginings

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Morning arrives with a headache. My head pounds this morning, my sleep deprived body nags at me. This week has left me getting very few hours of sleep at night. Although, the morning was like any other though, a full Great Hall and Avery and I eating breakfast.
     She hadn't asked about where I was last night, or any of the nights I didn't come back to the dormitories until she was long asleep. I was honestly surprised she kept any questions she may or may not have had to herself.
     "So, you know Blaise right?" Avery asks as she shoves a biscuit in her mouth.
     "Is that the boy always with Draco?" I ask too quickly. It probably sounds odd that I pay that close attention to Draco.
     With a questioning look on her face she continues, "yeah that's the one." She pauses, collecting her thoughts, "well, I think he might have a thing for me."
     "Oh yeah?" Avery has never talked boys with me so this was new, "and do you share those feelings?"
     She has to force away a smile as she looks down her food, "I might. I haven't decided."
     I chuckle, "alright. Well what makes you think he has feelings for you? Did he make a move?"
     A rose tint stains her cheeks, "I think he might've asked me out on a date."
     Shocked, I respond, "what?" I begin to laugh,
"so let me get this straight. You think he only might have a thing for you when he's asked you on a date?"
     "Well just because he asked me out does mean he likes me. Regardless I haven't decided if I like him enough to go," she scoops up a bite of food onto her fork.
     I look up at her suspiciously, "if you really didn't like him, would you be telling me this?"
     She stays silent.
     I take her silence as an agreement, "why don't you go, I'm sure it would be fun."
     She sighs, "yeah, he asked me if I wanted to go to Three Broomsticks this weekend."
     I looked up, my face full of confusion, "the Three Broomsticks?"
She nods, "yeah, it's a bar in town, you know that tomorrow is the first time we're being let out of the castle and into town right? Everyone makes a day out of it."
Never having heard this before I take note of it, although I don't feel it's best to let her know that, "oh yeah, of course. I just had never heard of that place before."
My mind takes me back to my busy week, full of class, assignments, quidditch practice, and fixing this bloody cabinet. As I begin to think of my schedule for today, and remember my the quidditch match is today, Ravenclaw against Gryffindor.
"Oh, Avery," I pause to get a drink, "will you be at the quidditch match today?"
She giggles, "I will. I won't know when the right time to cheer is though." I laugh with her.
I sigh standing up, "you ready?"
She nods her, standing up as well, "yep."

The ticking of an antique clock somewhere in the room of requirement was about to drive me mad. I lift my wrist up to where I could read my watch. I quickly sat up upon reading the time.
"I have to go," I through on my robs and start putting my things back into my bag.
Draco looks up from his book. He sat in an old chair, the one he has sat in everyday this week. He has one leg firmly planted on the ground and the ankle of his other leg laid across his knee. He had an expression on his face I can't quite read, "what for?"
I through my bag over my shoulder and then turn around to see Draco standing up, "there's a quidditch match."
He raises a brow, "and you just can't miss a match? Did they not have quidditch at Beaubaxtons?" He now stands right in front of me as I turn around.
I furred my brows, "well since I'm Ravenclaw's seeker I assume they would want me to be there." I can't imagine how'd they react if I just didn't show up.
His face falls from the suspicious and confused state to one of surprise, "you play quidditch?" He reaches his arm out beside me to lay his book down on the desk I once laid on, his chest grazes me as he does so.
He pulls back and I cross my arms over my chest, "I do, is that surprising?"
I felt him get closer, almost touching me but I couldn't tell if imagined it, "I just can't picture you playing such a rough game," he was teasing me now, a smirk played in his face.
I swallowed. He looked so, seductive. He stood over me so tall, and his frame covered anything else from being in my view. It was just him. His hair was disheveled from running his hands through it and his tie had been taken off with a few of his shirt buttons.
     I had to push those thoughts away before I spoke, "why don't you come then? If you can't picture it why don't you come watch me play?" I sighed looking around this cluttered room, I speak now with a more serious tone, "besides, you need a break as much as I do. You might go insane if you stay in this room any longer."
     He looks down, his eyes slowly moving up my body. I don't think he meant it in a sexual way but it definitely felt that way. His tongue brushed over his back teeth as he spoke, "alright."
     He turns from me, turning around to grab his things, "you know, I've always believed you need to learn your opponents habits," he folds his robs over his arm and buttons his shirt.
     My brows fur, "opponent?"
     He now looks at me once more, now with a look full of amusement, "well of course. Next week Slytherin plays Ravenclaw, and as you know, a seekers only real opponent is the other seeker."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora