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     I looked around, dark surrounding me. A wooden chair whined as I moved. I stood up turning, I was completely surrounded by darkness. I was in an empty space, left with an oak chair, and it was oddly cold.
A voice called out to me. I once again looked around, my head turned in the direction of the voice, only to find nothing. Who was speaking? Where was I?
"You're a curious one," I jumped. The voice called from behind me, right behind me.
I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't even force words out. A chill ran up my spine. The chill was stimulated from the cold as well as the weird feeling in my gut. Where was I?!
A hand gently pulled my hair back behind my shoulder. My extinct told me to turn, but my feet held still. It was like there was another power in charge of my body. A hand barely grazed my skin, but the finger tips were ice cold. Terror swept over me, something was not right. I wanted to leave, I didn't feel safe.
I felt a breath on the side of my neck, whoever was speaking, whoever's hand had moved my hair back was right behind me, their head right beside mine. The unknown person took in a breath as they pressed their front to my back, taking me for a toll. I wanted to move, but I didn't, I couldn't.
"Don't be afraid, Jade," the voice rang, echoing around the room, although it was merely a whisper. A warm breath ran down my neck and then travelled down my spine, "you're merely dreaming."
With gasp my head sprang up, looking at a wall in front of me. It was a wall made out of mirrors. My figure was recognizable but the identity was left unknown as I shot up right.
I sighed. I haven't had nightmares since I was ten. I stood up, wide awake after the dream. Once I realized it was morning, I started to get ready for the day, I might as well get an early start.

The Great Hall was full with students by the time I got there. I sat next to Avery now, she sat on the opposite side of where I sat, facing me. The week had been long, quidditch practice and classes filling my time. If I wasn't in a class or at practice, I was studying or finishing work in the library. Avery and I hadn't said much, the tired atmosphere between us kept us silent.
     Having enough of my food, I sat down my fork, looking up at the other people sitting in the Great Hall. A part of me started searching for that blond headed boy, while another part of me stayed unaware of this instinct. Once my eyes reached him, I became all too aware of my growing obsession.
     Sometimes people fascinate me. It's always those who I don't quite understand. Usually, I never end up figuring these people out but for some reason I let them invade my thoughts and waste my time. I never get close to them, and I don't desire to, but my brain finds entertainment in guessing their secrets.
     Draco was my recent obsession for a reason, though. I was supposed to befriend him, get close to him. So my normal routine of getting close from a distance would have to be thrown out. As much I as I hated to break this rule I'd made for myself, I had no choice but to become acquaint with him.
     Although that fact had something to do with my little obsession, I will admit that wasn't the only cause. He was quiet, yet so powerful. He seemed to hide in the shadows but at other times his presence was over baring. I felt he was very clever in being able to control this sense of presence. He was seen when he wanted to be seen, when he needed the attention, and let himself be engulfed in shadows when need be.
     He sat today at breakfast with many. There were boys and girls a like trying for his attention and he didn't seem too upset about he. He was in his charismatic self as of right now I could only imagine what would cause him to be any different. Why would he ever want to be in the shadows? The only answer I could think of is that he's hiding something, and if that was the case, what could it be?
     "Are you done Jade?" Avery's doe eyes stare into mine.
     "I think so," I declare, getting up from my seat and straightening out my skirt, "walk me to class?"

The day had went quick. My classes were enjoyable and I had a lot on my mind. No quidditch practice today left me in my room catching up on some reading.
Avery was out, I assumed in the library. I had noticed she didn't really have many friends, or close friends for that matter. Frankly, I was probably her closest friend it seemed and we had only met. She liked to live in solitude and I had respect for that.
A quiet tap on my window caused me to sit down my book and begin for the window, expecting my Great Grey owl to be waiting on the other side of my window. To my surprise it was an unknown owl, not one that belonged to my family or one I had even seen before. I opened my window and took the letter the owl carried. It quickly flew off and due to the hot summer air being let into my room and shut my window in a hurry.
Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I begin to open the letter, still standing. I pull a think piece of paper out of the envelope and unfold it, my mind only guessing who it could be from.
The letter reads:

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now