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The boy stood with his wand lit, looking all too similar to myself. I didn't love comparing myself to the chosen one, but the resemblance was evident. So evident I couldn't help but wonder if he was also looking for something or someone.
Once his back was turned, I quickly took my shoes off. I ran across to the next wall, passing his corridor, almost silently. I still wore my tights and socks, not being completely barefoot on the cold floor of the castle.
I wasn't far down the wall when I reached a new corridor, doing the same as the last new hall, I leaned from the wall, checking if it occupied anyone.
My eyes landed on someone new, someone with their wand lit as well. He turned on his heels, turning towards me. Reacting quickly, I lurched my back flat against the stone wall. I did recognize this boy all too well before turning.
Now that I found him though, what do it do?
Hearing quiet footsteps, I assumed he caught a glimpse of me and was coming my way. Looking down the wall I leaned on, I spotted a closet. Not thinking I could make it in time I stayed still, only moving my wand down into my hand.
It happened so quickly. He spun onto me, turning the corner fast. I grabbed his shoulder, expecting this, pushing him up against the wall. Now, with his back pressed to the wall and my wand out pointing at his throat, my other hand over his mouth, I let out a soft, but necessary noise.
"Sh." I looked at him with hard eyes.
As quickly as he got here, he moved again. This time he pulled the move on me, pushing me now up against the wall. He held my hand with my wand up against the stone, not letting me use it if I tried. He now held his wand at my throat.
His voice was low, but his words came out with a hiss, "why don't you tell me why you were following me, instead of shushing me?"
"Because I'm not the only one following you tonight." I spoke in a whisper, but an aggressive one.
The look on his face changed from very angry to weary. He probably didn't whether to believe me or not. I could see him thinking over my words. I suppose he decided I was telling the truth, probably because there was no reason to lie about that, and grabbed my wrist pulling me.
Without saying a word, I followed him. It wasn't like I had a choice, he seemed stronger than me. We reached the closet door I thought about running into only a few moments ago. Draco reached out his hand to the door knob, pulling it open. Along with that movement, he pushed me into the small closet, but before shutting the door he join me.
Deciding it was time I elaborated, I spoke, "Harry Potter is just down that next corridor, or at least he was only a few moments ago."
Instead of thinking this one over, he reacted quickly. His wand now pointed at me once more, "that doesn't explain why you were following me."
I took a step back, meeting the wall. This was the second time this evening he had me pushed up against a wall. I quickly realized that there was nothing I could say to him, so I reach into my robs pocket.
He stopped me, grabbing my wrist, "what are you doing?"
I groaned, "just look at the letter in my pocket." He gave me a perplexed look, to which I encouraged him, "go ahead."
He let go of my wrist reaching for the letter himself. His hand grazed my torso as he reached inside my robs, but he promptly found the opened envelope with ease. He held it in his hand, his other still holding his wand to my throat. He opened the letter, the envelope falling to the floor.
My eyes landed on his face lit up by the small light still projecting from his wand. It made him able to read the letter with ease, and let me read his face, or his expression rather. His eyes looked tired, purple resting beneath them, and I could see the small creases he had made from worrying on his face. He looked stunned as he scanned the paper, most likely not knowing what to think.
He sighs, finally pulling his wand from my throat. He takes a step back. His free hand meets his face before he speaks, "there's so much you need to know."
"Then tell me," I watch him pinch the arch of his nose.
He lets out a heavy breath, "there's too much for us to talk about it here." He drops his hand, giving me back my letter. He opens the closet door, peaking out before grabbing my hand, "follow me."
His hand found mine, pulling me from the closet. He was a little bit more gentle this time. Although holding hands was normally a romantic thing, it didn't feel that way. I trusted he had checked completely to see if someone was there, but I scanned the corridor anyway. I followed him back into the corridor I first found him in. Once we were a good ways into the dark corridor, he dropped my hand.
He walked until he reached the wall. Only a step away, he stopped, turning his shoulder to the wall. He then paced. A few steps in one direction, then he turned and would do the same facing the opposite direction. He did this three times. It didn't take very long or else I would've asked if he was sane.
The stones moved apart, clearly due to some kind of magic. It split right where the blond stood, the stones folding back, opening up to a room. Before stepping into the room himself, Draco turned back to me, motioning for me to follow him.
I usually don't do what I'm told but this time, I did.
He lead me through the crowded room, it want crowded due to people though. The room seemed overgrown by old antiques, tables and chairs and other furniture. I followed him deep into the room, having to sometimes step over things or squeeze through the furniture.
He reached a halt at some point in which I followed. He turned to me before motioning, "I think it'll be easier if you sit down." He extends his hand to an old but in pristine condition antique chair. I do as he says.
He grabs a chair and pulls it to face mine, then he sits down, joining me. He sits there for a minute, leaning over his legs. His elbows resting on his knees. After a couple seconds he leans back with a sigh.
He begins with a deep breath, I could tell he probably didn't know where to start, "I'm a deatheater." His voice didn't waver, it was stern. He chose to be straight forwards, no bullshit.
I had no reaction to his statement, to my brain it was merely just a fact. A simple statement at most. I wasn't going to get shaken up over him telling me the truth.
"I'm a follow of Voldemort, and so are my parents," he pauses. His brows furrow, it seemed he was finding the words. He looks me in the eyes before continuing, "and so are likely parents."
I look down at my hands, holding one hand with the other. I didn't know what to say. It was hard having someone else tell me facts about my own family. It almost felt belittling.
     He sighs, "and the task your father is referring to is a task assigned to me by the Dark Lord," I could tell as he spoke, he shut off his own emotions. He did it for me, to make it easier for me to hear, "and your father sending you that letter means the Dark Lord must want you to help me complete it."
     As I thought over what'd he'd said, I had a growing question, "so the symbol, the one on the letter—"
     He cut me off, assuming my question, "it's our mark. The mark of the Dark Lord." As he answered me he unbuttoned his sleeve, rolling it up, leaving his arm bare.
     My mouth parted upon seeing the mark. The magic running in Draco's arm looked like ink, yet alive. It moved under his pale skin, like blood pumping through veins. His skin looked scarred above the ink. Without thinking I begin to reach out, reaching for the mark but my sense kicked back in before I reached his skin.
     "It's alright," his voice came out in a harsh whisper. His words were forced out, it didn't feel like he wanted to say them, "go ahead. If my instincts are correct you'll have one just like it very soon." Other the words were forced, I could tell it was the truth. His eyes held mine as he spoke, but after, he watched my reach my hand out, touching his arm.
     His eyes followed my finger which traced over the mark. The feeling of it moving under his skin made my stomach churn, "tell me about it," I swallowed, looking up at him, "tell me about the task." It felt easier to move on, move on to an easier subject.
     He sighs, "there's two parts. First is repairing a vanishing cabinet." His eyes part from mine, traveling to an old cabinet sitting only a few steps from us, "there is a sister cabinet in town, and once repaired items should be able to be transported from this cabinet to the other cabinet and vise versa." Taking a deep breath, he leans forwards, putting his elbows on his knees once more, "once it is repaired, deatheaters will use the cabinets as a way to get into the castle."
     I fur my brows, thinking over what he's said, "didn't you say there were two parts," I watch his face grow solemn, "what's the other?"
     He kept his eyes low, along with his face. In a low tone, he answers, "the second part is killing Albus Dumbledore."
     A weight falls on my chest. My mind is swarming with questions, but he continues still.
     "Listen, Jade," he looks up at me, searching my eyes, "if you find a way to fix this cabinet, I will take care of the second task, this was all just given to me at first. It was all meant for me. You shouldn't have to deal with this."
     I take a deep breath in, trying to calm myself. I didn't want to show how shaken I was. I quiet the thoughts swarming my head, "these tasks fall on both of us now, there's no sense in dividing them up." Without thinking, I stand up. I needed to stand, I needed to move. I continue as I start take a few steps, "it'll be easier to finish both tasks if we simply do both together," I turn to him, "I think we can both agree a burden such as this shouldn't be on just one of our shoulders."
     If I'm being completely honest, there was a part of me that wishes I would've let him take the harder task, but there was another part of me which felt for him. That part of me also felt responsibility to do what was asked of me, and the second task was now my problem as well.
      Without responding, he stands. Something had changed in his eyes, but I couldn't catch what. He started to fix his sleeve as he spoke, "we'll meet here then. Every day, after classes."
     With him standing in front of me now, I begin to realize how much he truly towers over me. Keeping eye contact, I confirm, "so we will."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now