The Act

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The infirmary grew quiet with only myself occupying it. It was dim, only being lit by a few candles and very little moonlight. I choked down the medicine Madam Pomfrey brought me so now all that was left for me to do was sleep. I sunk under the covers of the bed, trying to get comfortable.
     All I could think about was this odd day. All the things Draco said to me didn't make sense. Back in the room of requirements, the way he looked at me, the way he talked to me, it makes me blush to think about. Then down at the stadium he got in a fight for me. Not to mention he came to the infirmary and was worried about me.
     My first thought is that he's worried about our task and with me hurt, we wouldn't get much done. But when I pointed that out he made it very clear that's not why he was worried.
     Maybe it was all just him playing into the act. The act we now had to play for everyone. But we were in private both of those times we spoke.
     I sigh as I roll over to my back. It doesn't even matter, I told myself. We're just partners, two people with the same task, and that's all that matters. I close my eyes, quiet my thoughts, and let myself drift into a sleep. I can deal with all tomorrow.
     A gust of wind hits me. I look around. I am sitting by a lake, the sun already set, it was dark now, but no moon or stars lit the sky.
     The sound of a stick breaking draws my attention to the left. My eyes fall on a tall man, with dark hair. I couldn't make out many of he's features but somehow I knew this was the same man from my last dream.
     I was growing more aware. This time, I know I'm in a dream, and I can see him. I can't move, but I can speak, "who are you?" I call out to the figure.
     He steps closer, and then crouches down to look at me, "you'll understand soon enough," the voice speaks. It surrounds me, echoing into the distance, "I need to visit with you again before I can tell you."
     I start to breathe heavier. I wanted to ask more questions but I couldn't. Not being able to move terrifies me. Before I go any further like hyperventilate, I sit up.
     I clutch my chest with my good hand. It was all just a dream and I'm awake now. Looking around now, I realize it was morning. It felt like I'd only slept for ten minutes. I sigh, as I slide my legs off the side of the bed.
The dream concerned me but it was probably just a side effect of the medicine. I'd only had a weird dream like one other time and I probably just remembered it so when I went to sleep I had a similar dream.
Wearing clothes from yesterday I want to get changed. I look down at my watch, six o'clock. An early start didn't sound so bad. I wasn't sure when they'd release everyone to go to Hogmeade but I knew it'd be after eight.
As I stand up, I hear footsteps. My head snaps to the sounds and my eyes land on Draco. He wore a full black suit, an expensive looking one, and a blank face.
The boy walks up to me, stopping only a foot or so away, "I have the second part of our task under control. Today I will peruse it."
He turns to walk away but I grab his arm, "wait," I look around the infirmary. Even though it was empty, we couldn't risk talking about anything in public, "why don't you walk to my dormitories? That way, we clear up some questions."
He looks over his shoulder, "what questions?"
I sigh, "the questions that everyone started having after you beat up a boy at the match last night."
Now he fully turns to me, "Jade, I have far better things to worry about then—"
I cut him off, "then what? Then some gossip?" I fur my brows, "some gossip, can merely be that if we let it. Would you rather have people wondering what relation we have, leaving them to may come up with something or far worse: follow us? Why don't we just make it clear that you did it because you care for me."
He parts his mouth to rebut but closes it. I realized far too late that what I said wasn't exactly how I meant it. I mean we want others to believe we care for each other, but it's not actually true, "I'll walk you," Draco declares.
I'm hesitant at first, not knowing where his change of heart came from, but I take a step forwards regardless. Once we start to walk out of the infirmary, I feel a hand rest on the small of my back.

Avery and I walk down the stone path to Hogsmeade, many students around us doing the same. I pull my scarf up my neck as a cold breeze hits me. Avery planned on meeting Blaise in the Three Broomsticks, which is where we were headed. I didn't know where Draco was now, since I didn't get a chance to ask him in private what his plan was. I had to trust him.
We trudged through a couple inches of snow on the ground. We didn't speak much because of the cold. We wrapped our arms, keeping close to share body heat. I read the store signs as we pass them.
     When my eyes land on a sign that had the words Three Broomsticks I grew esthetic to be in the warmth. Me and Avery squeezed through to door to be met with a full room. Students and others filled the tables along with the bar. An open fireplace most likely drew in people.
     We both scan the place for Blaise, and I assume she finds him as she starts pulling me in a certain direction. My eyes finally find the back of his head, but a familiar blond headed boy sat beside him.
     Avery and I sit down in the booth, moving quickly into conversation with Blaise.
     I assume Avery did it on purpose but she now sat in front of Blaise, as I sat in front of Draco. His all black suit caught my attention once more.
     Pulling me from my thoughts, Draco begins, "how is your arm?" Although we were supposed to be acting like a couple he asked shortly with a serious tone. But I knew that him asking in such a serious tone actually showed he cared, which I appreciated.
     I look down at the arm in question, feeling it with my other hand, "I woke up this morning with it feeling completely normal, it hasn't hurt at all since last night."
     He nods his head, "I'm glad," he seemed to actually be at some peace. But then he turns his head, glancing at the rest of the place, seeming to knock himself out of it, "how about I get you a butterbear?" He looks back at me.
     I nod my head, "sure." I could tell his gesture wasn't out of kindness and was an act but it was still nice. I started to feel awkward though, being a third wheel. When it wasn't noticeable I slipped out from the booth and walked over to the bar.
     Expecting Draco to be somewhere close getting my drink, but I quickly realized he must've wanting to get away for a different reason. I wondered if it had to do with the second part of our task.
     The bartender looks over to me, "what can I get you, young lady?" His hoarse voice grabbed my attention. He seemed like he's worked here for decades.
     "I'll take a butterbear," I pull out my purse and then my wallet.
     He grins, "first drink is on the house."
     I smile, "thank you."
     He walks away, taking care of other costumers, leaving me to my thoughts. I begin to scan the room. My eyes first catch on Harry Potter and a few of his friends sitting at a table not too far from me. They all drank, what could be butterbeers, and talked amongst themselves. In the corner, I examined a boy and girl snogging quite intensely. The girl had deep red hair and looked a little familiar but I couldn't place where I'd seen her before. I looked away, still looking for the all too familiar blond boy. Giving the bar a last glance I decided he must've left, probably doing some part of our second task.
"Here you go," the bartender sat down the big cup of butterbeer in front of me. I lifted the cup to my lips, taking a sip. The flavors swirled in my mouth, surprising me with how tasteful the drink was.
My head swirls around as a voice speaks, "Jade Burke!" My eyes meet with my potions professor, Professor Slughorn. Standing beside me, he starts a conversation.
He seemed like he'd had too many drinks, "oh, Ms. Burke, doesn't your father work for the ministry?" He sits down in a seat beside me.
"He does," I look down into my drink, "he actually got a promotion, that's why I had to move to Hogwarts." I started to wonder what my life would look like if he never got that promotion.
Ecstatic, he continues, "oh, that's right!" He sets down his cup on the bar, and turns back to me, "Ms. Burke, you must come to my dinner party next weekend, I'll be hosting in my private office. There will be several other students like yourself there to converse with, it'll be great fun." He takes another drink, tilting his head back.
My eyes widen at first reaction to his invitation but I return to a normal expression when I respond, "sounds like fun." I painted on a smile as I turned to him.
I had to force the words from my mouth. I barely knew my professor, much less the other students that are invited. In all honesty, the dinner party sounded like the exact opposite of fun.
"Wonderful," he stands up, feeling successful, "I'll see you Monday in class, Ms. Burke," with a cheerful expression he walks away, over to another table.
I sigh, looking down at my butterbeer, I taking another drink. I turn around, looking back to where I once sat with Avery and Blaise. They sat the same, both talking. Blaise kept eye contact with Avery, making her blush. The both kept grins on their faces as they kept conversation. They were so adorable together.
I turn back around, catching Draco walking towards me. His didn't meet mine as he walked over, placing his hand on the bar, leaning over me.
From beside me, he spoke under his breath, "we need to leave." He was stern, yet quiet, and all too serious.
Hearing his instruction loud and clear I stand. I quickly grab a couple galleons from my wallet, before throwing it in my purse. Although I was hurrying, I tried to keep it discreet. I moved fast but not hurried. I grabbed Draco's hand as we walked for the door.
He opens the door for me, dropping my hand to do so. As we both make it outside, I feel his hand on the small of my back. I don't know what he has done but I was sure whatever it was warranted us going back to Hogwarts.
We took long strides making our way out of Hogsmeade. Over time I found my arm wrapped around his. I couldn't help but think how natural it felt, too natural.

I dug my hands into the cold dirt. Once the plant felt secured I retracted my hands, pouring water over the newly planted root.
"Once you've finished today's assignment you are dismissed," Professor Sprout concludes.
Most of the students in the greenhouse got their bags and headed for the door as I hurried the sink. I turned the faucet on, rinsing my hands off under the water. In my peripheral vision I noticed someone standing beside me.
I turned towards my acquaintance, "hey, Davies," I smiled at my quidditch captain. I look back at the sink, turning it off, before looking back at him.
"Hey Jade," he slipped his thumb under the strap of his satchel, adjusting it, "can I walk you to your next class?" A convincing smile danced on his lips.
I gave a polite smile, "sure," I turn from him, walking over to my things. I quickly grab my bag and as we walk out, he finds his spot back beside me.
Keeping my eyes in front of me, I speak first, "so, did you want to talk to me?" I assumed he wanted to walk me to my next class since it was a good time to talk to me about something, obviously quidditch related.
I could see him scratch the back of his neck in the corner of my eye, "well, I don't have anything in mind to talk about."
I furred my brows. He walked in silence for a few moments. We were alone on the dirt path back inside Hogwarts, the nearest people being several yards away, "oh, okay."
The next few moments grew increasingly awkward. He didn't speak again until we walked inside Hogwarts, "I just wanted to walk you to class because that's the gentlemanly thing to do," he turns to look at me, "because I feel like you deserve a gentleman."
The corridor was filled with people, making it less awkward when I didn't respond. I didn't know what to say. It wasn't until we turned down the hallway of my next class that I spoke, "Davies, you're my quidditch captain."
He sighs, "yes, I am," we reach the classroom of my next class, Potions. We come to a stop a few steps before the door, "but that doesn't mean I can't be something else, something more." He tries to capture my eyes but I look away.
I close my eyes, scrunching my brows together, "Davies you are my quidditch captain. Just my quidditch captain." I hesitate before opening my eyes. I see disappointment on his face. Why was this so hard?
He opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him, "look, we're friends, and I like that. But even if I wanted to more, it wouldn't be right. I'm with someone else."
The disappointment was wiped from his face, "it's Malfoy, isn't it."
I guess his display last Friday at the quidditch match left a strong message, but not strong enough, "yeah." I felt awkward, turning him down like this. He made me feel awkward.
Davies' eyes leave mine and now look at something behind me. When his expression turns sour, I turn. Only to be met with Draco, "hey," I greet him, "I was just talking to Davies."
When Draco's attention turns back to Davies, I follow.
     "I've got the picture now," Davies takes a step back, "I'll see you at practice tomorrow." His eyes pull from mine as he turns, walking away.
My attention falls onto Draco, I smile at him, "I'm glad you showed up, it was getting weird," we turn, heading for the classroom.
In a joking tone, he replies, "I always will." Even though his words were merely a joke, I felt like that meant more than that. They felt like a promise.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now