Ch 14 : Start of an Problematic Life?

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As we saw in the last part...
Y/n and her friends were going to house from the dinner and then y/n saw some pics when, she was sitting in restaurant,
Pics of Semi's Car
And alot more
After looking at those photos y/n actually freaks out,
But she didn't tell her friends about it yet

So let's see......what'll happen next!

All of sudden y/n got silent after that
And.... suddenly Ruby says

Ruby: y/n whats with that face?

Y/n: mM..nothing

Ruby: Ahaa! Shes hiding something

Semi: snatch her phone, there must be something in there

Y/n: guys's some privacy too

Semi: since when?....

Ruby: we thought we're open books to each other

Semi: Look at her she got a bf and now she's tryna hide him from us

Ruby: it can me your phone!!

Suddenly Ruby snatchs y/n's phone from her hand, y/n got panic

Y/n: Guys I can explain!

Ruby: did you appoint a camera man with you...ohh that's why you wasn't taking pictures of you in restaurant i got it all

Semi was driving so she didn't pay much attention to them

Y/n: well actually it's not what you're thinking..

Ruby: what is that then?! Spit that out

Y/n: so it's actually someone who is stalking us

Semi: WHATTT?!

Y/n: i knew you guys will react like this...that's why I wasn't telling you guys about this

Y/n looks at Ruby...she was fully silent and wasn't talking which make Y/n feel weird..
Apart from that It looks like Ruby have some extra information about that
Suddenly car stopped

Y/n: um Semi why are we here..? Why did you stopped the car

Semi: To murder you

Y/n: What?!

Semi: Just kidding lol..look at your face
So we're stuck the middle of's punctured

Y/n: tf are we living in a movie? Car got punctured while going home

Semi: Damn..Ruby what do we do!

Ruby: A-A IDK

Y/n: according to movies, They tryna call someone...

Semi: who do we call...

Ruby: be-

Y/n: Shut up don't even think bout' that

Ruby: uh but he can help..

Semi: I think we should call Jungkook..

Y/n: uhm- I think it's bit weird to call him this late-

Semi: Call him according to movies someone can kill us here ( She chuckles)

Y/n: uh fine..

She calls Jungkook after ringing 2-3 times ,
Jungkook picks the call


Jungkook : hello..
Y/n: hi jungkook, actually i m-

Semi snatches phone from her..

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