Ch 19 : pursuing further details

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As we saw in the last part, Y/n and her friends came to know about the abandoned warehouse on Myung's page. As they were getting close to it, they found someone knocking on the door. As they opened it, it was Beun. He pretended not to know Jungkook, but then he had a call and left in a hurry. Let's see what happens next...

Then they made their way toward their secret room and started investigating. When they couldn't find anything, Y/n stomped her water bottle.

Y/n: Bruh, my life is like a movie. Everything is just so...

Semi: Guys, you know what? I have a plan. We don't know if Cheon's team visits their house, right? So, uh... we can suggest checking if their house is close to the warehouse. Perhaps we can investigate further.

Jungkook: Okay, so Ruby will check Beun's house.

Y/n: I mean... no, he's dangerous. We can't let her go alone, can we?

Semi: Right, but we have something for that.
She says while tapping her earpiece.

Ruby: Guys, I can handle myself. I've been through worse situations before. Plus, I have my pepper spray with me just in case.

Jungkook: I understand your bravery, Ruby, but we can't take any chances. We'll come up with a plan to ensure your safety.

Semi: Jungkook's right. Ruby, we'll keep a close eye on you using these surveillance cameras. If anything goes wrong, we'll be able to intervene immediately.

Y/n: And I'll stay on the phone with you the entire time, Ruby. You won't be alone.

Ruby: Alright, I trust you guys. Let's do this. If Beun is hiding something, I want to find out.

With their plan in place, Ruby got ready to head to Beun's house. She double-checked her bag, making sure she had everything she needed, and then addressed the group.

Ruby: Wish me luck, guys. I'll be careful, I promise.

Jungkook: Good luck, Ruby. Be safe, okay?

Ruby: I will. See you soon.

Ruby exited the room and made her way towards Beun's house. Her heart pounded in her chest as she approached the building. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

A few moments later, Beun opened the door and looked surprised to see Ruby standing there.

Beun: Ruby? What are you doing here?

Ruby: Hi, Beun. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by to say hello. Is now a good time?

Beun hesitated for a moment, looking unsure of himself.

Beun: Uh, sure, I guess. Come on in.

Ruby cautiously stepped inside, making mental notes of her surroundings. She noticed a hint of nervousness in Beun's demeanor, but she couldn't let it distract her. She needed to stay focused on her mission and find any evidence that could link Beun to the mysterious activities happening in the abandoned warehouse.

As Ruby and Beun exchanged small talk, the rest of the group closely monitored the situation from their secret room. They watched through the surveillanice cameras and listened in on Ruby's conversation with Beun.

Semi: Everything seems normal so far. Beun doesn't seem suspicious at the moment.

Junkook: We shouldn't let our guard down, though. Keep a close eye on him and make sure Ruby stays safe.

Y/n, filled with anticipation and worry, continued to keep Ruby company through the phone, offering support and guidance whenever needed.

Y/n: Stay strong, Ruby. We're all here for you, every step of the way.

Ruby: Thanks, Y/n. I can feel your presence. Let's hope we find something useful.

As Ruby continued to dig deeper into Beun's house for any clues, the rest of the group anxiously awaited her findings. Will they discover something that connects Beun to the abandoned warehouse, or will it turn out to be a dead end? Only time will tell.

To be continued...

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