Ch 17 : Unsettling Encounters

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So as we saw in the last part that when yn and her friends reach thier where Semi's Car was, they saw Someone had messed up the car, that car was completely ruined
And we saw sticky note which was threatening y/n and her friends,we saw that Semi was very angry,
she was investigating with nearby people.
And then finally she called the technician and command them to take the Car away and to repair it,

So let's see what happen next~

Jungkook: So what do we do now?

Ruby: I think we should complain to police

Semi: what do you think police will do?! They'll be like "here is my phone number call anytime when you feel unsafe" and "try to lock windows and doors at night"

Y/n: and do you think that stalker team will stop making us in trouble, instead they'll murder us before even thier plan!

Ruby: mM you have actually a Good point

Jungkook: you both are absolutely Right but what do we do,

Y/n: just can't do anything right now,

Semi: you guys go to office, Iam waiting till Technicians get here, okhh!?

Everybody agrees on it and time skips after office
Y/n was sitting in a park after office

As Y/N sat alone on the park bench, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness deep within her heart. The gentle breeze rustled through the trees, adding a melancholic touch to the atmosphere. Memories of her parents' divorce during her childhood resurfaced, reminding her of the pain she had endured.

She watched as families passed by, children laughing and playing in the distance. The laughter echoed in her ears, amplifying the emptiness within her. Y/N longed for the warmth of a happy family, the feeling of complete belonging that seemed to elude her even in adulthood.

Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. She yearned for the carefree days of innocence when her parents stood side by side, their love providing a shield against the harsh realities of the world. Now, all she had were shattered memories and a lingering sense of loss.

With a heavy heart, Y/N whispered into the wind, hoping her words would reach her absent parents. She spoke of the lingering pain, the unanswered questions, and the longing for their presence. The park seemed to absorb her emotions, offering solace in its quiet serenity.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the surroundings, Y/N found a glimmer of hope. She realized that despite the absence of a traditional family, she possessed an inner strength to navigate life's challenges alone. She vowed to cherish the bonds she had formed, the friendships that felt like a chosen family.

She was smiling in tears and suddenly she start wiping all her tears and she starts getting up from the bench and boom!! Her phone start buzzing with unknown messages and with Calls
She picks up the call with changing her tone
She says

Y/n: hello

But nobody was saying anything unless there was bunch of evil laughing noises with heavy breathing

Y/n: hello!!! Are you there

Y/n got frustrated and hangs up the call and as she gets up from that bench she saw a damnn box on the bench
She saw that it was a brown box which was laying right beside her
An unexplained gift can you believe that?!

Y/n hesitates a bit but then she picks up the box and saw there was a big roll of paper

The roll of paper


As time folds and secrets unravel,
A gift from the shadows, an enigma to travel.
The box before you holds something unknown,
A mystery to decipher, a message to be shown.

Within its confines lies a tale untold,
Whispered in whispers, a story of old.
Unveil its secrets with curious might,
Let your intuition guide you through the night.

A relic from ages, with no clear intention,
An ancient artifact, beyond comprehension.
Its purpose concealed, its power untamed,
Handle with caution, for truth may be claimed.

In the whispers of echoes, secrets reside,
A puzzle unsolved, for you to decide.
Unravel the riddle, decipher the clues,
Unlock the meaning, and embrace the truth.

Remember, dear Y/N, in this cryptic endeavor,
Trust your instincts, and you shall endeavor.
For gifts unexplained often hold the key,
To discovering mysteries that set you free.

Embrace the unknown, let curiosity thrive,
For within its depths, new stories arrive.
Unexplained gifts may seem perplexing at first,
But in your journey, dear Y/N, you'll quench your thirst.

Await the unexplained, embrace the mystique,
For in this enigmatic world, surprises peak.
Open your heart, let curiosity lead,
For in this cryptic message, the answers will breed.

Yours mysteriously,
A Friend in the Shadows

Y/n was shaking as hell
She was feeling of being watched haunt her every step
But suddenly
Y/N strolled through the park, the gentle breeze caressing her cheeks. The sun peeked through the clouds, casting a warm, golden glow on the surroundings. She found solace in this peaceful place, captivated by the beauty of nature. With each step, she reveled in the tranquility, feeling a sense of serenity washing over her.

As she reached a patch of lush green grass, a sudden gust of wind swept through the air, tousling her hair playfully. The leaves rustled, creating a whimsical melody that danced around her. Y/N looked up at the sky, noticing the shift in the weather. Dark, mysterious clouds began to gather, painting a canvas of uncertainty overhead.

Then, without a warning, drops of rain delicately descended from the sky. They fell with purpose, punctuating the stillness of the park. The raindrops hit Y/N's upturned face, cool and refreshing, like tiny kisses from the heavens above. As the rain intensified, it lent an ethereal quality to the scene, as if showering the world with a touch of magic.

In that moment, Y/N embraced the rain, twirling gracefully with arms outstretched. The droplets clung to her skin, glistening in the soft light. The world around her blurred into a picturesque haze, where reality intertwined with dreams. With every step she took, the rain created tiny ripples on the ground, reflecting her ever-present essence.

Y/N's laughter echoed through the park, a melody of pure joy. She danced along, a vibrant splash of color against the gray backdrop. The raindrops became accomplices, bouncing off flowers and leaves, lending an enchanting rhythm to the symphony of nature.

As the storm passed, the rain gradually subsided, leaving behind a trail of serenity. Y/N stood in the park, surrounded by atmosphere enriched with fragrant petrichor, the earthy scent of rain-kissed soil. The sun emerged once more, casting a warm glow on her drenched form. She stood, a testament to the beauty of unexpected moments, forever imprinted in the memory of those fortunate enough to witness her dance with the rain.

She was dancing in the Rain as if she forgets all what just happens with her


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