Ch 20 : Pursuing further details 2

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Ruby: So, Beun, how has life been treating you? Any exciting adventures? I mean, it's been a while since we last talked properly.

Beun chuckled, settling onto the couch.

Beun: Well, I've been working on a few business deals, nothing too exciting. But hey, let me show you this amazing painting I recently bought. You have an eye for art, right?

Ruby's heart quickened. This was her opportunity. While Beun left to retrieve the painting, she discreetly contacted Y/N, Jungkook, and Semi through her earpiece, indicating that she was inside Beun's house and searching for any signs of Cheon's team or their connection to the abandoned warehouse.

As Beun returned, proudly displaying the painting, Ruby forced a smile.

Ruby: That's a beautiful piece, Beun. The colors are so vibrant.

Beun: Thanks! I knew you'd appreciate it, clearly pleased with the unintentional distraction he had provided.

Meanwhile, Y/N, Jungkook, and Semi were huddled around a computer in the secret room, scouring the internet for any information related to Cheon's team and their connection to the abandoned warehouse. They were determined to find any leads that could help them in their mission.

Y/N and Jungkook's frustration grew as they searched for more substantial evidence connecting Cheon's team to the abandoned warehouse. They needed something concrete, something that could link them definitively.

With determination in her eyes, Y/N voiced her thoughts. "We need to find financial transactions or public records that tie Cheon's team to the warehouse. There has to be something."

Jungkook nodded in agreement, his focus fixed on the screen. "You're right. Let's dig deeper and see if we can uncover any connections."

As they delved into their online investigation, a notification suddenly appeared on Y/N's phone. It was Ruby, updating them on her progress inside Beun's house. This unexpected development gave them a renewed sense of hope and excitement. Little did they know, this update could be the key to unlocking the truth behind the abandoned warehouse.

Semi grinned with anticipation.
Semi exclaimed, "Ruby is getting it done! Fire!!!"

They continued digging, fueled by anticipation and the knowledge that Ruby was risking her own safety to help uncover the truth. Minutes felt like hours as they meticulously pieced together bits of information, their efforts aligning with Ruby's mission.

Back in the living room, Ruby maintained her facade, listening to Beun talk animatedly about the painting's origins. Meanwhile, her eyes darted around, searching for anything that hinted at Cheon's team's involvement in the abandoned warehouse.

Finally, as Beun excused himself to retrieve refreshments, Ruby's eyes landed on a calendar hanging on the wall. Her heart skipped a beat as she noticed a date circled in red.

Ruby couldn't believe her luck. The mysterious calendar she had stumbled upon was proving to be a game-changer in her investigation. With excitement bubbling inside her, she discreetly snapped a picture, making sure to capture all the important dates and names written on it. This evidence would undoubtedly impress her skeptical friends and solidify their belief in the existence of a secret operation.

As Beun returned with their drinks, Ruby's mind raced with possibilities. She had to be careful not to reveal her true intentions, maintaining her cover as a curious and interested partygoer. The night was young, and Ruby knew she had to make the most of this opportunity to gather more information.

Skillfully steering the conversation towards the warehouse, Ruby prodded Beun for details without giving away her suspicious nature. She asked about the nature of the work, the types of shipments that came in and out, and the security measures in place. Beun, eager to impress her, spilled more information than he probably should have.

Ruby couldn't believe her eyes when Beun's phone buzzed with a call from a contact saved as "Cheon" with a red heart emoji. Her heart skipped a beat, but she remained calm on the outside, pretending not to notice. She continued the conversation, hiding her shock and confusion.

Ruby: who is cheon? While smiling

Beun: oh just a mate from office, just a minute, not hesitating even a bit

Beun: oh hey cheon, what's up?
Beun: yeah just sitting with my girl
Beun: is it important?
Beun: oh shit, ok count me in
Beun: can you send the address quick
Beun: no worries, see you

While Ruby was eating her nails in nervousness, she was thinking alot of negetive stuff, she was thinking if they both are tryns kill her and alot of more negetive stuff
But suddenly beun hangs up the call and continued

Beun: i'm sorry baby, i have to go, its somthing like really importanyt that she's calling me rn,

Ruby: oh no i'm good, go get dress quickly we'll leave together

Beun: all good then wait for me,

Another chance for Ruby to find something to investigate about, she get up from the couch and started walking and then she found out thst there was a table out there which had a notebook on it, Ruby make sured that beun isn't here she picks up the diary and checked out the first page, then she tried to read whats going on in there, there was a map kind of structure on it which make her confused but she clicked a photo of it, and then when she was about to turn the page boom!
Beun came out of room and after taking look that she is having his diary, he quickly said

Beun: oh here it is, i was looking for this diary, thank you babe

Meanwhile Ruby thinks, "thank you baby" huh son of a bitvh, stop calling me that fvck you! I was about to-

Beun: lets go Ruby,
Ruby: sure thing

As they both got out of his apartment, beun leans for kiss, but ruby totally ignored and tryed to show that she wasnt looking at him and said,

"okay bye, take care beun, i'll go with a taxi"

"hm bye" beun said


So guys i know after a long long long time, i published, i was very busy with my student life and stuff
And group studies with my new friends and etc lol..
Kindly forgive me for all of it, i hopr you like it, and a question for y'all
Who is your favourite except Y/n and jk??...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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