Ch 18 : Scrutinizing things

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As we saw in the last part that y/n was getting flashbacks of her childhood and her parents all bout' that,
She was feeling that she got friends that feels like a family
And As Rain start dropping pitt- patt
And she starts dancing in joy forgetting all bout' her life
Let's see what popped up next..

Then suddenly after dancing in the Rain, Y/n start running in shade, and she got a phone Call again
She took a deep breathe and nervously looks at it as if it's another mysterious Call, but Luckily it was Ruby's Call


There was some noise of Rain drops and it seems that Ruby was rushing buy anyways ..

Ruby: Hey Y/n, where are you?! What are you doing?!

Y/n: which one do I answer first?

Ruby: Seriously! I m not joking Y/n apart from that I m sending you a location it's like a cafe just meet me there me, semi and Jungkook'll be there soon!!! And don't be late bye!

She hangs up the call

Y/n takes a taxi to the cafe and after 5-10 she gets there
She gets in the cafe and she saw Semi sitting tensed
Y/n approaches them and brokes the silence

Y/n: so what's on earth now

Jungkook: Y/n do you really think that you're getting disappear is normal

Y/n: uhh srry for that

Semi: well...anything happened to you?..

Y/n: Alot happened,

Ruby: sigh Spill the tea

Y/n: so actually after office I went to a park to just relieve some pain nd bleh bleh, i don't know from where I start thinking of my Family and bruh that's when it starts I get Lil blehh!
And when I starts to get up I saw a box beside me and ofc me and my curious soul opens it and i regret

Y/n pull out that brown box from the pocket of her Coat
Semi, Ruby and Jungkook's Eyes were on it and it seems that they were dying to see what's in that box
Ruby suddenly opens that box and that shitty note came out of that damn box

Ruby: i am not reading this, how bout Semi go ahead

Semi picks up the note and starts reading...
Skips after reading

Jungkook: Is this a joke or something?..

Semi: guys i m leaving to home, this is so frustrating like stfu, what the fvck she mf want

Ruby: calm down, let's go home

Y/n: let's go jungkook, we gotta investigate, it's getting on my fuckin nerves,

Jungkook: as you said

Time passes to home

Ruby: so what the hell we gonna do here??

Y/n start sliding a big picture in thier house


Ruby: oh my godd!! A secret room?!

Y/n: hmm let's go,

Y/n and her friends start entering the room and they were really curious to know what's going inside

Jungkook: WOAH, you're totally a hidden gem y/n!!

Y/n: I know right (she chuckles)

the hours go by and they couldn't find anything
Y/N was sitting at a dimly lit desk, surrounded by scattered papers and a wall covered in photographs and newspaper clippings. Semi, Ruby, and Jungkook pace the room, their minds racing with theories. As they pour over their findings, Y/N's voice breaks the silence, filled with a mix of frustration and determination.

Y/n: Cheon... she's not just a mere mortal. There's something deeply disturbing about her. We have to uncover her ultimate plan before it's too late.

Semi's hands were continuously typing something on her laptop
The voice of typing was making Y/n more nervous
As semi was trying to find more information about Cheon and her team members and she was tryna find thier social media accounts suddenly a page pops on the page revealing a live surveillance feed of an abandoned warehouse district. Ruby and Jungkook stand by, their eyes narrowed in concentration. Together, they analyze the feed, looking for any sign of Cheon's presence. Suddenly, Semi's voice cuts through the tension.

Semi: I think I've found something. Look, there's a group of people gathering near that old factory. It could be Cheon's hidden network.

Jungkook: yep it's on myung's page, it could be like that

They were just talking About it suddenly the bell of thier house ring
Which made Y/n flinch so hard cuz thr things happen to her lately and the door bell she flinch as the cheon's team attacked on her
Anyways back to the story

Semi: who the hell is now at this time?!!

Ruby: guys let's just lock up this room cmon fast, let's get out of here

They quickly leave the room and start sliding the picture back on the door
And Ruby opens the door by changing the expression on her face

And it was Beun tae san!!

Ruby stir up and says

Ruby: oh damn (she murmures)
Beun: hi babe
Ruby: oh hi

With that beun came inside the house, looking at jungkook he said

Beun: did y'all were moving the furniture out?

Y/n: not really
Semi: why so?

Beun: nothing really, there was just so noice
Beun: oh hi dude (to jungkook, while putting Smile showing like they don't know about each other)

Jungkook: hey

Semi: so why did you came up?
Beun: it was just me and Ruby didnt talk for a while so i thought it would be fun to pay a visit

While Ruby murmures fun my foot

Beun: right Ruby?
Ruby: Uhm yeah

Beun: by the way i brough some snacks, more fun

They all five sit down on the table,
Beun slide snacks on the table but Semi gestures them not to eat

Beun: here Ruby have some, aren't these your favourite
Ruby: Uhm yess

Ruby puts them in her mouth then she pushes her phone off the table and as Beun bowed down to pick up the phone Ruby spits that food in tissue which made Y/n little laugh
As Beun gets up,

Beun: what happen,

All of sudden beun's phone gets ring and after listening to the call he get serious and says

Beun: guys sorry I got to go, maybe next time you guys have fun

After that he left which made Y/n and her friends very confuse
So guys what do you think what was reason that Beun payed a visit to thier house?
Was it really that he missed Ruby or something else??
Or why he left from there in such big hurry??


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