Ch 15 : Convoluted Things Start off

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As we saw in the last part jungkook suddenly came in there room and told them that he's facing the same things..and then Semi asks everyone if they suspect anyone
So y/n suspects Myung hee,
Ruby suspects Beun tae san
And we saw that Jungkook got a shock that they know beun....let's see what happen next!!

Ruby: why are you so shock by listening her name?!

Jungkook: actually he is used to work as
My uh- like a guard and one day I saw him stealin' the important papers and as i say his name he looks behind and suddenly he pointed out a knife at me but I just defend him somehow 'n he He has come after serving 9-10 months in jail

Ruby: That damn mf!

Jungkook: well..! Just stay away from him!

Semi: so so... everything is so complicated out here

Jungkook: (took a sigh and says) is there anyone you suspect Semi?

Semi: actually i can't say anything..what about you, do you?

Jungkook: uh, actually i m not really ready to say the name but i'll later

Y/n: Guys! So what we're gonna do?
Ruby: Actually i think it's a Start of a mission

Jungkook pulls up a chair and sits on it while taking a deap breathe,

Jungkook: get on the Chair guys,

Ruby: look first of all,

Y/n: I am tired of this

Semi: Gurl,

Jungkook: Gurls actually i do have a really good plan it this,

Semi: Spill the tea

Jungkook: look guys as we're like a team in this, so listen to me
Me and y/n will investigate about Myung, cause i myself found her very weird, sometimes she got vanish from the meetings and always on phone

Semi and Ruby!
I really want you to keep a great eye on Beun, the things happening with us, he's really a genius in these well not like a Gangster he's like a Psychopath!!

Semi: okh sir can I speak up for real quick?

Jungkook: Go ahead!

Semi: i- actually suspect someone but I think it's superstition, i suspect someone from my Highschool uh-
And these kind of things happen to me in my highschool! And you gurls Ruby and Y/n you both must remember something about that!
Or maybe We can say! Jungkook you!
You know about "her" too!

Jungkook, Ruby and y/n: Uhh- what do you mean, quick!! who are you thinking about

Semi: Actually about Cheon, Cheon so jin!!!

Y/n: woah!! Stop actually yess!! Maybe but! How can she, how many years have we not seen her?!!

Ruby: no! She can't be in there!! How can you semi, you're litreally pulling things from Highschool!!! And how can you say that confidentially

Jungkook: no! That bully?!! Ohh..actually Semi can be right imma be honest that cheon came up to our company as a model in the start of year but as i-
I mean she bullied Y/n in past so how can I, anyways Semi how can you be that sure?!

Semi takes a deep breath and she stomp the table hard! And takes a seat!

Semi: well uhh!
Lies coming over here, actually y/n-
Y/n you must remember the day I was gone for office even on Sunday

Y/n: uhhm-m yes!

Semi: actually that day..
I mean couple days before that day, i found a girl stalking me and i was just really curious to know like who is that girl!
So that day i was walking toward office and was ready if the stalker girl again stalks me I will catch her,
But things didn't go as I thought,
I was walking and I saw that girl, I just suddenly start running at her and she was having a mask on her face and I saw it was Cheon!!
The ground swept away from land and she gets in the car and got vanished

Ruby: so this much things have already happened and you're telling us now!!!
Are you insane!!

Y/n: oh my god!!

Jungkook: isn't cheon tried to kill you guys?!

Semi: (sigh) yes she did

Y/n: so what do we do now?!

Ruby: look ofc we can't sit with one's hands on one's lap!

Jungkook: we've to do this work very silently cuz if we're right
That cheon, myung and Beun are all team and then we have to be cautious!!

Semi: yahh, but how they are too clever

Y/n: Look, no one should know that we are planning this, first of all!
If one of get caught from them so please y'all don't you say anything to them!!

Ruby: we aren't little kids we know!!

Jungkook takes a deep breathe and says while thinking something,

Jungkook: wait!! I've something that can connect us anytime!!

Jungkook runs downstairs and give them a little ear piece,

Jungkook: guys put them in your ears and they've really great features,
Example if you tap two time on it,
It'll record all the things going around you
And if you see there's a little button in it whenever you will touch it you all can connect and talk to each other with it

Y/n: woah!! Nice

Semi: that's our boy!

Ruby: uhh, it's useful then our phone,

Jungkook: so girls put them in your ears, and as you can see it's late enough and you guys should go nd sleep

Y/n: I think if we fall asleep right now then we'll not be able to attend office so,

Jungkook: ah right, so what'd we do now?!

Y/n: I think we should go to our house and we will get there and dress up and after that we'll go to carry Semi's Car

Everyone: okkhh!!

(To be continued)

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