Chapter 2 - Flashbacks

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Monkey, known for his light-hearted and mischievous nature, sat among his comrades at the lunch table in the Jade Palace. As they enjoyed their meal, Monkey couldn't resist cracking a joke, as he often did, to lighten the mood.

"Hey, did you hear about the panda who crashed into a cart full of dumplings? They said it was a real food fight!" Monkey burst into laughter, expecting his friends to join in on the humor.

Unbeknownst to Monkey, Ryan, who had recently joined the Jade Palace after being severely wounded, sat nearby, quietly listening to the conversation. Ryan had experienced a traumatic incident involving a vehicle crash in his past, one that had and always will have left a lasting emotional scar. As Monkey's joke reached his ears, the memories and emotions came rushing back, overwhelming him.

Tears welled up in Ryan's eyes, and he hastily stood up, his chair scraping against the floor, drawing the attention of the Furious Five. "I n-need a moment" With a heavy heart, he fled from the lunch area, desperate to find solace and escape the painful memories that had resurfaced.

a car horn blaring. In an instant, Ryan was transported back to that fateful day, his heart pounding in his chest, and panic gripping his mind.

The cacophony of the city faded away as the memory consumed him. The screech of tires, the shattering of glass, the suffocating feeling of being trapped within a twisted metal wreckage-the horrors of that car crash flashed before his eyes, as vivid as if it were happening once again.

His body trembled, sweat drenched his brow, and tears welled up in his eyes. The bustling city transformed into a chaotic nightmare, each car a potential threat, each honk a painful reminder.

Monkey's laughter faded as he noticed the teenager's reaction. A mix of guilt, confusion, and concern settled over him. He hadn't intended to cause any harm, but he realized now the thoughtlessness of his joke. Monkey knew he needed to make amends and understand the depth of his words' impact.

Quickly, the Furious Five exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a shared understanding. They knew the importance of addressing the situation and offering support to their new companion. Monkey, his jovial demeanor replaced by remorse, made his way towards the exit, determined to find the teenager and make things right.
3hr later
Tigress, with her keen senses, noticed a familiar figure in the distance- Ryan was sitting alone, his shoulders slumped and tears streaming down his face. She recognized him almost instantly. Concerned, Tigress approached him with a gentle yet determined stride.

As she neared Ryan, she saw that his distress stemmed from a seemingly innocent incident-Monkey had unintentionally made a joke that had hurt Ryan's feelings. Tigress knew the power of words, how they could cut deeper than any physical blow, and she empathized with Ryan's pain. She approached him slowly, giving him space to gather himself.

"May I sit with you?" Tigress asked in a calm and understanding tone. Ryan looked up, his teary eyes meeting hers, and he nodded silently. Tigress settled herself beside him, giving him a moment to collect his thoughts.

"You know," she began softly, "words can be sharp, especially when they catch us off guard. But sometimes, the people who say those words don't realize the impact they can have." She paused, allowing her words to sink in.

"I've had my share of hurtful comments in the past, ones that struck at the core of who I am. But I've learned that dwelling on them won't help us grow. Instead, we can use them as fuel to become stronger, to prove those words wrong."

Ryan sniffled, his eyes still filled with sadness. Tigress reached out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You have a place here at the Jade Palace. We are a family, and just like any family, misunderstandings happen. Monkey didn't mean to hurt you. I know him; he's a kind-hearted soul who values friendship deeply. Let's give him the chance to make it right."

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