Chapter 7 - The Nightmare

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My dad ventured into the misty night, a distant rumble caught his attention. Puzzled, he strained his ears, trying to discern the source of the sound. His heart skipped a beat as he realized the rumble was growing louder and more intense with each passing moment.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble beneath his feet, and a deafening horn blared through the night. Panic coursed through his veins as he sprinted back towards the camper van, desperately calling out to his son.

Inside the van, Ryan had also felt the tremors and heard the ear-piercing noise. Fear gripped him as he searched for my dad, his voice trembling as he called out his name. Just as he reached the door, a blinding light pierced through the fog, casting an ominous glow upon the surrounding trees.

In a heart-stopping moment, the camper van was violently struck by a speeding train, the impact shattering glass and sending debris flying. The force of the collision threw Ryan to the floor, his body battered and bruised. Disoriented and in shock, he struggled to regain his composure.

The cacophony of twisted metal and screeching brakes filled the air, drowning out any other sounds including my screams.
The van tumbled end over end, its metallic body groaning under the strain of the impact. Inside, Ryan was tossed about like rag dolls, their screams mingling with the roar of the rushing wind. Time seemed to stretch as fear consumed his every thought.

Finally, with an ear-splitting crash, the camper van came to a halt at the bottom of the cliff. The once-majestic vehicle now lay mangled and broken, a mere shell of its former self. Silence engulfed the wreckage, broken only by the sound of the river, its water rushing past with a steady determination.
Ryan lifeless body was carried by the river's current, now a helpless victim of the relentless flow.

As Ryan floated down the river, the water became a merciless force, jostling his injured body against rocks and tree branches that lined the riverbed. The impact of each collision further exacerbated his injuries, causing his wounds to bleed profusely. The crimson river intertwined with the clear water, painting a morbid picture of his struggle.

Minutes turned into hours, and Ryan's unconscious form continued its journey downstream. The river, with its twists and turns, proved a treacherous path, pushing and pulling him through rapids and tumultuous stretches. The sound of rushing water was a constant companion, its relentless roar a stark reminder of the danger that surrounded him.

As the river wound its way through the forest, it carried Ryan deeper into the unknown. His body, battered and broken, was at the mercy of nature's merciless current. Leaves and debris clung to him, creating an eerie tableau as he floated through the ever-changing landscape.

Meanwhile, the sun sank below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over the forest. Darkness settled in, adding an eerie aura to Ryan's perilous journey.
Ryan awoke to a world of chaos and uncertainty. His eyes fluttered open, struggling to adjust to the dim light filtering through the canopy of trees above. As his groggy mind began to comprehend his surroundings, he realized he was lying on the cold forest floor, his body battered and broken.

Pain coursed through every fiber of Ryan's being, each breath a struggle against the weight of his injuries. Blood soaked his clothes, evidence of the fierce battle he had endured. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he tried to recall what had transpired, but the memories were hazy, fragmented pieces of a puzzle he couldn't quite piece together.

Summoning his last reserves of strength, Ryan forced himself to his feet. The forest seemed to close in around him, its towering trees casting eerie shadows that danced with malicious intent. An overwhelming sense of urgency gripped him, a primal instinct warning him that time was running out.

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