Chapter 10 - A Hot Day

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The sun beat down relentlessly on the Valley of Peace, and the summer heatwave showed no mercy.
On this particular scorching afternoon, the heat was almost suffocating, and it made me feel incredibly hot and sweaty.
I could feel the perspiration clinging to my fur, and my sleek, black stripes seemed to shimmer in the harsh sunlight. Every step was heavier, every breath more labored, and my claws, sharp and ready for combat, were on full display, gleaming in the intense sunlight. It was as if the weather conspired to expose every part of me, and the fierce warrior within felt uncomfortably exposed.

Feeling vulnerable and overheated, I decided it was time to retreat to my room. I needed the coolness and solitude it offered, a temporary escape from the scorching world outside. With determined steps, I made my way to my quarters, seeking refuge from the relentless sun.

Once inside my room, I took a deep breath, savoring the cooler air that enveloped me. My keen instincts urged me to clean myself up, and I quickly removed the sweat-soaked training attire that clung to my body. In the privacy of my room.
My door burst open, and there stood Tigress, her fur matted with sweat, her chest heaving from what seemed like a fierce workout. Her usual calm and collected demeanor had been replaced by visible frustration.

Tigress growled softly to herself, an animalistic sound that took me by surprise. She seemed to be wrestling with the heat and discomfort as much as I was, if not more. Without a word, she strode into my room and, to my astonishment, laid herself down beside me on the bed.

Before I could process what was happening, she had harshly pulled me into a tight embrace, her strong arms wrapping around me as if she intended to shield me from the sweltering world outside.

I could feel the warmth radiating off her body, the very embodiment of heat and intensity, and yet her presence was oddly comforting. Despite her initial growls of frustration, her hold was surprisingly gentle, Her fur was soft, and as she nuzzled against me, I could feel the gentle vibrations of her purring against my ear.

Tigress's whispers, though barely audible, held a certain intensity. "You're as innocent as a kitten," she murmured. Her words were tinged with a hint of playfulness and a touch of frustration.

In my drowsy state, I couldn't help but respond with a whispered apology. "I'm sorry, Tigress. I didn't realize what you wanted."

Her purring continued, a soft, melodic sound that echoed through the room, wrapping us in a cocoon of warmth and comfort. It was a language of its own, a way for Tigress to communicate her need for closeness, for the simple joy of cuddling. I had learned over time that this was her way of seeking solace and connection, a moment of vulnerability that she only shared with those she trusted.

"No more kisses, Tigress. Your a sweaty mess."

Tigress, however, seemed unfazed by my protests. She leaned in and lightly pressed her lips to mine, a soft and tender kiss that sent shivers down my spine. Her lips were warm and tasted of salt from our shared exertion. It was an unexpected and sweet moment.

When I pulled away, slightly flustered, I couldn't help but chuckle at her playful defiance. "Tigress, I thought I said..."

But before I could finish my sentence, Tigress got that teasing glint in her eyes. She playfully pouted and gave me a mock look of disappointment, her lips forming a mischievous smile. In an instant, her claws lightly grazed my back, a sensation that sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.

I couldn't help but laugh, her touch was electrifying and the heat was making it arousing.
Her hot breath tickled my skin, and the purr in her voice sent shivers through me, but I chose to ignore it because this was most certainly not the time to entertain certain thoughts.
Tigress claw finally torn my trousers off and I subconsciously covered my front, Tigress used her tail and pinned my hands above my head.
Her mouth opened and took my tip right between her lips. I gasped for breath as Tigress swallowed my cock right down to the base, sucking and pulling at it. Each swallow felt like it was forcing my cock to grow, and with Tigress super-strength, I couldn't pull away. All I could do was lay there, pinned to the mattress.
I  felt her tongue running up along the underside of my cock, teasing me and making me ooze more pre-cum for Tigress to swallow down.
Tigress kept sucking, and I kept getting sucked, and her big hands kept me firmly pressed against the mattress. I moaned out loud, covering my mouth a second after to keep from making another. Wet, wild sucks that were only getting louder and louder made it hard for me to focus, and the feeling of those rubbery lips running up and down my cock only made it worse.
"Fuck Tigress!~" I moaned softly as I couldn't move, if I did I'd be getting a claw in my leg.
I panted, I arched my back as much as I could, my cock throbbed up, then down, and then up again as Tigress swallowed it down her throat.
I was laid in a puddle of my sweat as Tigress stood up and smiled
"Next time, it might be even more but I shall allow you to rest and recover"
I just laid there dazed and confused as I sat up and groaned.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, Monkey, one of the members of the Furious Five, approached me with a curious look. "Ryan, what's wrong?" he asked, his eyes filled with concern.

I hesitated, struggling to find the right words. It had been a moment that was both bewildering and exhilarating, something I never expected to happen. "Monkey," I finally whispered, "it's a very traumatizing secret."

Monkey chuckled, a warm and infectious laugh that seemed to echo through the tranquil gardens. "Traumatizing secret? Come on, Ryan, you can tell me anything. We're like family here."

I hesitated, trying to find the courage to speak the truth. And then, I decided to lay it all out. "Tigress... she uhhhhhh me," I choked up.

Monkey's laughter only intensified. He clapped me on the back and continued to chuckle. "Oh, Ryan, if you find the words please tell me, I need the blackmail."
Monkey walked away leaving me flustered and just confused

"Did that just happen and why do I want more?" I muttered to myself.

Tigress X Male Human TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now