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34| Jackson number 5?

Nobody's POV
June 18

"Mommy I need a sweaterrr." Azuree groaned as she laid her head on the dining room table. Darryl and Azuree are going on a little date today. Toni and Janet know about their daughter dating him and it's fine to them. They probably won't be together for a long time, just puppy love.

"We were just at the mall yesterday and you didn't pick up one." Janet said and Azuree sighed.

"I know it's because I changed my outfit this morning. I need the exact sweater that Skai has."

"Ask her for it."

"She will say no."

"Ask her nicely."

"Okayyyy." She got up from the chair and headed upstairs to her sister's room.

"How much do you want to bet that Skai will say no?"

"Ten bucks because Skai will say yes."

"What are you crazy? You're not wearing my sweater." Toni laughed and held her hand out.

"I want my money in singles." She said and Janet shook her head.

"Mommy tell your daughter that she isn't wearing my sweater." Skai said as she came down the stairs.

"But Darryl has seen me in all of my sweaters."

"Well wear them inside out." Skai said and Janet and Toni laughed.

"Please Skai?"

"Nope, find something else to wear." She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and then headed upstairs.


"I'm not in this. That's between you and your sister."


"Your mother and I have a doctor's appointment in a few."

"Okay, what time will you guys be back?"

"Before your date." Janet said and Azuree nodded. The couple headed outside and got into Toni's car. She drove the two of them to Jackie's office. When they got out of the car, Jackie was already waiting for them.

"Hello, my favorite couple."


"What's the reason for this visit?" They walked inside Jackie's office and Janet sat on the examination chair. Jackie put on a pair of gloves and looked at the couple.

"Well, we want to try for another baby."

"Really?! Oh my gosh, congratulations."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Do we still have eggs left over from last time?"

"Yes, you guys do. I'll double-check to make sure that they are still effective. In the meantime, you can change into that hospital gown." Jackie left out of her room and headed to the lab. She tested the couple's eggs and they had five good ones left. She walked back to the room and Janet had changed into a hospital gown.

"You guys have five effective eggs, three of Janet's and two of Toni's. I can check to see if you have more eggs, Janet if you want."

"Sure." Jackie put on a pair of gloves and grabbed a needle and a few tubes. She gently stuck Janet with the needle and Toni winced.

"You're such a baby." Janet joked and Toni waved her off. Meanwhile, at the Jackson's house, Azuree snuck into her sister's room and took her sweater. She then rushed back into her room and put her outfit together. Her sister went to the dog park to walk the dogs and she was going to be gone before Skai would come back. She and Darryl are going to a new museum that just opened in the city. Darryl's parents would be chaperones for the young couple. Just as Azuree was about to leave, her parents walked into the door.

Jackson Family Values ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang