223 13 4

60| Taurus season

Janet's POV
May 15
2:37 AM

I rolled over in bed and looked at the time seeing that it was almost three in the morning. I haven't had a good night's sleep since Eissa was born, meanwhile, Toni is sleeping like a baby. Me not getting enough sleep is not because of Eissa, it's because of my boobs. They get so sore in the middle of the night that I have to get up and pump. When I do that, I can't just sit in the dark and pump, I have to watch tv. Then after, I can't fall back to sleep.

I laid on Toni's chest and she protectively wrapped her arms around me. She kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"How come you're always up around this time?" I didn't know that she had been awake too.

"Because my boobs get full and it's hard to sleep. They feel like rocks and they hurt." She gently poked my boobs and I laughed, pushing her hand away.

"You're such a child."

"You still love me though." She said as I sat up in bed. I reached into the draw and grabbed the hands-free pumps. I placed them in my shirt and sighed in relief as the milk left my body.

"Mm, I'm gon pass on that..."

"Girl— you know you love you some Toni." I winked at her and she bit down on her bottom lip. She moved closer to me and laid her head on my stomach.

"Nope, go to sleep."

"I wasn't even going to do anything."

"How are we going to tell our kids that lying is bad and you do the same thing?"

"Lying is bad when you don't have a reason to."

"And you have a reason?" Toni stayed silent and I laughed.


"No, because you started it."

"Me? What did I do?" I asked and pointed to myself.

"You winked at me."

"Mmmm, I see. I turned you on huh?" I said and my hand reached down to her lower back.

"Yes, you did but stop because you won't finish and I'll be mad."


"Toni he's going to pee on you." I told her. She is changing Eissa and his wee wee is up which means that he is getting ready to pee. My mother taught me that but Toni won't listen. I took out the camera and filmed her reaction, this is for sure going in my documentary.

"No, he is not. He knows better than to—" She got cut off by Eissa peeing on her shirt. I laughed and panned the camera to her.

"I told you, baby."

"I know he did not just pee on me..." I panned the camera to Eissa and he smiled at me.

"And he's smiling, I can't believe it."

"He's lucky that I didn't have on my outfit to go out because we would've been fighting." I laughed harder and Toni went to go and change into her clothes. I turned the camera off and finished changing him.

"Did you pee on Mommy Papa?" I asked and he babbled.

"Mommy is fine." I added with a slight giggle.

"Mommy is not fine." I heard Toni say as she came up from behind me.

"Don't worry baby, it happens to all parents."

"Easy for you to say, I haven't seen him pee on you yet or shit. So what are you talking about?" I smiled as I put on his pants.

"Because I have tricks." My mother also taught me that before I change his diaper, rub a wet wipe over his belly button so that he can relieve himself before I change his diaper. I haven't told Toni that and I don't plan on doing so. She'll find out sooner or later.

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