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66| Independent

Nobody's POV
January 20

After Skai's incident, she has been sleeping downstairs in the guest room since she can't travel up the stairs. The couple has been sleeping in the living room just in case their daughter would be needing their help. Eissa has also been sleeping with them just in his playpen. Her cast also has to be wrapped in a waterproof shield, preferably plastic, because it can't get wet.

The couple has to help her take a shower because it's kind of hard for her to balance. She doesn't like the fact that her parents have to help her shower, she finds that embarrassing. She sat on the couch her foot propped up on some pillows, that's how she has to sleep at night too. Skai cannot wait until she gets her cast taken off.

As for school, she can't go because her school doesn't have an elevator for her to get to her classrooms. Kyla drops off her work for her best friend after school is over and comes back the next morning to get it.

"Skai leg?" Eissa asked as he drew on her cast with an orange marker.

"Yes, that's my leg." He made a face and grabbed another marker. Skai laughed and saw her mother walking toward her.

"Hi, Mommy."

"Hi baby, by the end of the day your cast won't even be white." She said referring to her son scribbling on her daughter's cast. Skai laughed and just as she was about to answer, she heard a baby cry.

"What?" In walked Azuree and Christian with a fake baby in their hands. The two of them were taking a child growth and development class that is mandatory to graduate, which Skai has to take next year.

"Baby!" Eissa exclaimed and King nodded.

"Yes, a baby... they gave us new classes this year and this is one of them. Some people even got two babies, twins!"

"Please take this baby Azuree. She's irking me." Janet said as she walked inside the house handing her daughter the fake baby.

"Oh my gosh."

"They cry a lot Mommy so take care of your grandchildren." Desiree said and Toni laughed.

"Mm no."

"Yes for real, you guys really have to take care of them. Here are the bands."


"Yes, it's a sensor so when the baby cries just hold that circle part to the baby's stomach and it should stop crying." Toni shook her head but she had no choice but to wear the band. Eissa covered his ears when the babies started crying all at once. King and Azuree sighed trying to soothe their crying babies.

"Make those babies quiet." Toni said.

"Quiet!" Eissa said mocking his mother and she laughed.

"Exactly quiet them down."

"I already know that those babies are going to be crying all night."


Janet's POV
2:15 AM

I woke up hearing a loud thud. I looked at Toni and she looked at me. I turned on the lamplight and sat up, looking over at Eissa who was fast asleep in his playpen.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like something fell." I told her.

"Or someone..." She said as she looked over the couch. I followed her direction and saw Skai sprawled out on the floor. My mouth dropped as Toni and I rushed to her aid.

"Baby, what happened?"

"I'm fine, I just tripped." She said with an attitude laced in her voice. I don't know if it's because she fell and she's embarrassed but she needs to tone it down. We helped her up and she grabbed her crutches.

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