Everyone's Worth Saving

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Her hand shook as she grasped the cold metal in her hands. It was heavy and sat uncomfortably in her hands. Her finger trembled as it floated above the trigger. Her eyes were trained ahead at the figure before her with the target if in its chest. There were gunshots all around her the kids that had been here before her already taking their aims. But here she stood a shaking mess. Koharu was scared...She had been in a constant state of fear ever since she had been bought to this place and the adults standing over them watching them with scrutinizing gazes didn't not help with her nerves. Her brows furrowed at the target, she gripped her pistol tight. So tight it hurt. She finally pulled the trigger.
She hissed in pain at the force of the weapon. Her shoulders aching. She looked at the target and saw her mark... it had hit. But it was no where near the bullseye. She glanced back at the watching adults. Their faces betrayed nothing and they continued writing into their clip boards. She looked down at her feet as she raised the gun again. Aiming, this time there was less hesitance. She had done it once... She could do it again. She could...BANG
It was closer to the bullseye.
This training continued on top of the other classes that her Section had to go through. Her aim improved as did her stance. The longer she stayed the more she became accustomed to the environment. She was still scared. She was terrified. But she wasn't helpless. 1235 stayed at her side throughout the next few weeks. Forming a small friendship between the two. They kept this on the down low however...They were machines they had just one purpose and friendships were a distraction. 1235, however, gave Koharu confidence. She made her want to try and not give up. Koharu really liked her, she really did. Very much.
"You have to widen your stance." 1235 whispered one night facing Koharu, even though neither girl could see each other they knew they had the others attention.
"Aim your pistol higher and then you'll get the bullseye...we have to do it soon...or they'll get impatient..." Koharu tiltex her head, snuggling further into the pillow she looked at her questioningly 
"Impatient?" she whispered. 1235 let out a small sound of affirmation. Koharu heard her shift in her own futons, the chains rattling quietly as she moved. Both of them tensed and stilled for a few moments to make sure she wasn't heard. 1235 sighed softly in relief. She swollowed thickly, eyes trained on where she thought Koharu would be.
"Every two months they come in and get rid of the kids that aren't reaching their standards..."
"What happens to them?"
"We don't know...But everyone thinks they get....y'know..." Koharu winced hiding her face in the pillow. The next one was due soon. Koharu and 1235 both knew they had to up their game if they wanted to survive. It was scary. So very scary. But with 1235, with a friend by her side Koharu could find herself relax. This night was a safe night. The two of them could delight in each other's company until the morning...and then it was back to training and trying to stay within the game.
One shot. Two shots. Three shots. All in quick succession. Koharu had been doing this for two months now, she had taken the advice from 1235 and had became a good shot. Each and everyone of her shots meeting their mark. Smoking away at the target. She gently placed the gun down. Looking at her feet as she passed the Instructors. Mouth set into a thin line. She couldn't grow excited over her new achievement... The subjects weren't supposed to express extreme emotions. Emotions were a weakness.  Koharu knew however it was fear that was keeping them all alive. She watched as her fellow students took their shots. Tilting her head at the realisation that she was ahead. How that had happened she had no clue but she would bet it on being because of 1235's help. Koharu would thank her that night. She was really thankful.

Learning about the different weapons was Koharu's easiest subject, she breezed through it easily and understood many of the concepts. Besides her 1235 was working at the same pace. The two of them learning from each other. Whilst they worked they hid little giggles that would get them scolded heavily by the Instructor that was overseeing them because they were quirkless Delta made sure to train the kids in each and every weapon. To show them how to fight against all sorts of opponents. Section 123 hadn't reached the physical fighting stage yet. They had been told that would take another two years. Right now they were learning how to handle these weapons and all if their properties. 1235 had especially enjoyed the sessions on poisons.
Though Koharu and improved many in their class had not. They were all scared little children after all and people responded differently under stress. Koharu's made her work even harder however with some it made them completely shut down. 1235 had told her about the event. The Culling. Where those in charge of the whole Operation would enter the dormitories at the dead of night and take away the ones they thought were under performing. Koharu had put the event to the back of her mind, not wanting to think about such a thing happening. But as the night drew closer she found her anxiety peaking. She was fearful of going to sleep. She wouldn't be able to sleep. She was terrified. What if she was one of those kids that got taken away? What if? 1235 had gotten stiff as well. Her smiles strained and eyes darting everywhere throughout the day. Koharu caught her hand shaking whilst she had been handling a dagger that day.

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