Chapter 9: Nei meet the Monster & Izuku meet the Humanoid Shuukis

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()= Thinking
''= Whispering
[]= Mind Talking
**= Actions

Kyouka & Yuuki starts walking back to the others while they are preparing to leave the location since it was not safe anymore.

They went in the car and starts to drive back to their dormitory along with Izuku, Yuuki & Himari sitting on the back seat.

While they are on the way back, Izuku is looking at the surroundings silently and she decided to ask him something.

Himari: "Hey, uhh... Midoriya?"

Izuku looked at Himari after hearing her voice.

Izuku: "Hm? What is it Himari?"

Himari: "Can I ask you one question?"

Izuku: "You can ask away himari"

Himari: "Where are you that time?"

Izuku: "I... I was buying senpai some time in order for him to escape from all of the shuukis"

Himari: 'So Yuuki was telling us the truth then'

Himari whispered some words to herself but to her surprise, Izuku have manage to hear her words.

Izuku: "Oh? Senpai told you about it?"

Himari: "Yes, Yuuki tell us about it when the Chief have ask him where you are"

Izuku is surprised on hearing that Yuuki had to tell them about him and he looked at Yuuki who is busy from looking on the surroundings.

Izuku: (I didn't know Yuuki-senpai will be so worried about me...)

Himari: "When we asked him a question about you. Yuuki was silent and tried to change the topic"

Izuku: "..."

Himari: "Is Yuuki really like that?"

Izuku: "Yeah, can't deny that one... Since he's my senpai after all"

After answering Himari's question, Izuku is looking back on the surroundings once again while Himari finally understands on why Yuuki always changes the topic if they ask something about Izuku.

Himari wasn't the only one who notice Yuuki's sudden change when mentioning his kohai on their topic and Yuuki trying to change it.

When they arrived at the 7th unit dorm, Nei was seen standing outside the dorm while waiting for Himari & the others to return back.

Himari & the others gets off from the truck and Kyouka parks the truck on their garage before getting down.

Himari, Shushu & Yuuki saw Nei outside the dormitory waiting for them but when Izuku looked at Nei then something have happen that make him snapped from the inside.

Izuku is having the urge to protect Nei from any danger just like SCP 682 did on a little girl who's code name is SCP-053 back at the Foundation facility.

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