[The Whole World is Watching]


Phillip sat next to a fire as Ayo stood by. Bucky and Bea stood by with a nervous, hopeful expression.

Ayo said in English, "It is time."

"You sure about this?" Phillip asked uncertainly as he stared at the fire.

He was drawn back to the situation at hand when Ayo said, "I won't let you hurt anyone."

Ayo slowly walked around him as she said in Russian, "Longing." Phillip lowered his head, trying to fight the words. "Rusted." Ayo stepped closer. "Seventeen."

Phillip shook his head and said, "It's not gonna work."

Ayo continued. "Daybreak." Phillip breathed heavily and tears formed as memories of what he'd done as the Winter Soldier flashed in his mind. "Furnace." He saw Zemo closing the red book and saw himself punching the glass of his containment chamber and seeing Steve, Bucky and Bea for the first time in 70 years. "Nine." He saw himself fighting three of the Avengers. A vision of him strapped down for brainwashing flashed across his memories. He saw himself in his goggles and mask, then saw himself crash Howard and Maria Stark's car on December 16, 1991. He saw himself choking Maria after killing Howard.

"Benign," Ayo said. He saw himself trying to pull away Iron Man's face mask. He saw the brainwashing again. He fought the words Ayo spoke. "Homecoming." He saw himself after beating Steve, Bucky and Bea near lifeless after he'd uttered the words that would alter his path for the better.

Phillip continued struggling against the words as Ayo said in Russian, "One. Freight Car."

Tears streamed down Bucky's face as he came to the realization that he was himself. He began crying harder, which soon turned to sobs of joy and relief. Bea and Bucky ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

Ayo smiled lightly and said in English, "You are free." Phillip glanced up at Ayo and she nodded as her smile widened. "You are free."

Phillip looked down and closed his eyes tightly as he sniffled, still sobbing.

Ayo let out a breath and smiled softly at him.

Phillip, holding Bea's hand, stared at the fire, a fist to his mouth, and smiled widely. He was free from hurting others. After decades of torture and memory wipes, he was finally free. He was finally able to live a life with the woman he cared for, and to be around his brother, without the fear of turning into a killing machine.

Phillip turned Bea and kissed her tenderly, then turned to his brother and smiled.


"How could you free him?" Ayo asked.

"We need his help," Phillip answered in Xhosa.

Ayo walked around Phillip. "With time, will, and the resources, the Winter Soldier programming was removed from you like a rotten fur."

"And I'm grateful for that," Phillip replied. "I'm grateful for everything you and Shuri have done..." He smiled as he thought of Bea, knowing that due to what Ayo and Shuri had done, that despite the nightmares and horrors he still remembered, they were able to live a life together.

Ayo continued in an angry tone. "Zemo murdered our King T'Chaka at the U.N. The man who chose us. Who chose me to protect him."

Phillip glanced over his shoulder to Ayo, who had yet to make a full circle and said, "I understand."

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