Part 9

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Y/n PoV
"You are a slut"  this word was shouting in my mind again-and-again.. I whipped my tears away and closed the door with a loud bang. 

I looked at mine and his car,  and thought not to use the car.. If he thinks of me as a slut then I shouldn't have married him right?? I should've been getting fucked by someone. 

A/n PoV
You were walking on the street, cold winds were blooming against your skin, dark clouds were roaring, tree's leaves were waving with the help of the wind. Seems like the weather is not in the mood to smile.

Your hands gripped over the hand bang which was on your shoulder. You weren't scared but the wind was stopping you from going forward. "What happened to the weather?" 

As you were walking on the street your eyes met the dark side of the small road. It was so dark there but a tube light was the only one which was blinking, you started walking again and went there. Agh my driver's are literally so fucking stupid, when they know that I am going out then he should drive me off but no everyone needs an announcement. You clenched your hands.

As you were walking on the road you felt someone's presence, you looked at your back and found no one "pardon?"  You begin to walk but the next thing makes you panic. You saw three mens shadows walking behind you. 

Fuck!! Your speed became fast and you were now running away from them but the stalker didn't leave you that easily. Oh fuvk they are close. You know that if you look at your back then they will get a chance to pull you.

"STOP THERE BITCH"  you started running way too fast from there while on the other hand they were not letting you breathe that easily. Your legs were trembling but still you were running away from them.

Jungkook PoV
Ughh why is she ignoring my calls?? Is she out of her mind?? A small argument made her very angry. I'm so done with this sh!t  "Pick up the call y/n!! Pick up" I dialled her number again but she didn't receive it.

At midnight she just left home, it's creeping me as hell
Do she even know that there are many news on rapes and murders?? Fuvk "IF Y/N COMES HOME THEN INFORM ME" "Y-Yes y-young master"  I went out and sat in my car..

Y/n PoV
I don't know where I am. I'm just running away from these monsters, "WHERE ARE YOU?? COME HERE" when I heard this I hid myself behind the bushes and sat there while my palms were covering my lips.

Where is my phone?? I took out my phone from my pocket and tried dialling Jungkook's number. I can't even fight because of the alcohol..

Jungkook PoV
"Fuvkkk"  I hit the steering wheel as frustration, anger and worriedness was running through my veins.. "be safe y/n"  suddenly my phone beeped "Y/n?"  It was her call. I hurriedly picked her call.

"Y/n where are you?? Are you okay??? Y/n answer me"  
"J-Jungkook I don't know where I am but it's a big jungle and there are many-"  "Y/n SPEAK UP"  "M-Many-pe-o-"  the phone got cut off because of the net issue.

"Oh god"  I'm so worried for her because she was trying to tell me something. She was scared, was shaking and breathing heavily. It was like she was running for the past hour... tears left my eyes while my mind was screaming her name "B-Be safe love" 

Y/n PoV
I was trying hard to hide myself from those monsters. Suddenly I heard a gunshot. "Oh no"  a tear left my eyes when I heard their footsteps coming closer to me. "Tsk Tsk seems like the prey is trying to hide herself?? But we know where you are…darling" 

My eyes widened when they said this, I started crawling slowly-slowly to get away but suddenly I felt a hand on my foot pulling me off. "AHHH LEAVE ME"  "Not this easily, I'm so done with this game now"  I was shaking my head as no.

One of them held my shoulder and ripped off the cloth "Please no I beg you" "Aww the famous CEO is begging now?? Tsk tsk"  

Jungkook PoV
I stopped my car in the middle of the night and got out of there… "AHHHH LEAVE ME"  "Y/n"  I heard her scream, i ran into the jungle and was screaming her name.

"Y/NN"  "IT'S ME YOUR JUNGKOOK"  I was running in the jungle and was looking for her, my tears were flowing again-and-again, it all happened because of me. Why am I so cruel?? I am so mean, I'm so bad, I'm the reason behind it.

Suddenly my legs crashed into a big stone and I fell down on my knees… I couldn't hold back and started crying harder "Y/N PLEASE COME BACK… YOUR JUNGKOOK WANTS TO HUG YOU AND KISS YOU… I AM SORRY" 

It's all my fault I shouldn't have shouted at you "Y/NAHHHH"  I screamed her name..

Y/n PoV
My life is done right?? Now I'll get rapped and then will Kill me.. I was taken back with a harsh slap on my left cheek my mouth left blood drops and I coughed. They were removing there clothes "Please no I beg you"  I was shouting and crying but they were smiling like PSHYCO.

Suddenly one of them fall down on the ground "What happened-Ahhhh"  the other one also fall down.. I looked at the person who kicked them "J-Jungkook"  he saw me and I saw him….but the time is not to stare, it's time to fight..

Jungkook started punching them mercilessly I tried to stand up but couldn't because of the pain in my head.
I took the courage and stood up with the help of the tree and helped myself to breath. Everything is spinning here-and-there my head is about to explode.

Jungkook PoV
How dare they?? They were throwing blood from there mouth but suddenly y/n fall down and was unconscious.  I looked at her and took her in my arms, I made her hug my waist and rest on my chest. I again looked at the body who were groaning in pain "Police is on there way" 

At the exact time, I saw a cop coming  to me with his force "Sir"  I waved at them and they took them away from us. 

I made her lay on the back seat and started the car with my bloody hands which were dripping blood. I opened the upper window and saw the moon shining like a hope, I inhaled and let it out with a sad face. 

Why does my heart want me to care for her..???

The end of Part 9

The story line belongs to @koxyzfics

Don't repost or copy my story

If you are uncomfortable to read this you can block me 

The storyline is fictional there is nothing true 

If there are any grammar mistakes, please ignore it because English is not my first language.

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