Chapter ~ 13

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School.. *cough* is almost over... *dies*

"What...?" Makoto stared into Haru's blue irises.

"I've seen what he's like when he's angry. He's going to hurt you someday, me and him both know that." Haru said with concern in his voice.

"No. He won't, Haru. You're wrong."
Makoto was filled with hurt and anger at this point.

"I've known him for a while, Makoto. I'm saying this to help you."
Haru's tone was getting a bit harsher as well.

Sousuke was sitting on a bench a few feet away. He could hear their conversation and he was slightly hurt as well by what Haru was trying to tell his lover.

Makoto's fist were clenching tighter and tighter. Haru was his best friend, how could he say this to him. Makoto finally burst with anger that neither Sousuke or Haru have ever seen.

"Do you really want to help me Haru!? Because if you did, you'd be happy for me! Why can't you do something as simple as that!? You know what? IM SICK OF THIS. You can just forget about it and leave me alone if you hate my decision so much! I'm done."

Makoto started to walk away from the bus stop and head home. Haru and Sousuke were struck with guilt as well as surprise from the sudden out burst.

"Where are you going?" Sousuke asked.

"Home." Makoto said bluntly. He was planning to skip school today, he couldn't focus on his work like this.

The bus finally pulled into the stop, the doors opened with a creak. Haru turned around sharply and started to climb into the vehicle. Sousuke was still watching Makoto from behind and saw him wipe his face.

Sousuke ran away from the stop towards Makoto. The doors closed and the bus started to head to the school. When Sousuke finally caught up with him, he stood in the way of his path.

He put his forefinger and thumb on Makoto's chin, lifting his face slightly. He had tears streaming down his flushed face. The sight made Sousuke's stomach twist with pain. Even though it hurt to look at, Sousuke thought it was adorably pathetic that Makoto was crying over him.

Sousuke wiped the tears gently, and pulled Makoto into a tight hug.

"Don't cry, Mako-chan." Sousuke whispered.

"But... H-Haru said those absolutely nasty things about you." Makoto sniffled.

"It's okay... It doesn't hurt me. You have to calm down now."

Makoto tried to steady his breathing, this caused his breath to hitch suddenly.
Sousuke chuckled lightly and kissed the boy on the nose.

"I'll never hurt you..." Sosuke whispered.

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