Chapter - 3

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Sousuke and Makoto's hang out session was nearing it's end after two hours or so. They both politely ordered muffins to go, Makoto with a blueberry and Sousuke with a cinnamon. (A/N: It reminded him of the cinnamon bun sitting in front of him, hueh)

They talked a lot about swimming, school, and their personal lives at home. Sousuke payed for the food and drinks, even after Makoto begged him to let him pay for something. Sousuke set his wallet on the table and bent down to tie his shoe. When he was out of the mans sight, Makoto turned around slipped a $10 bill into the wallet.

'Humph...' Makoto thought silently with a slight smirk on his face. Well... At least a failed attempt at what could be a smirk.

"Ready to go?" Sousuke's low deep voice rang in the boys ears peacefully. It was put Makoto in a trance, admiring how therapeutic it was.

"Yeah, I'm all set. Do you have something else in mind, or is this where we go our separate ways?"

Makoto cocked my head to the left, an almost unnoticeable frown was plastered on his face. He didn't want to leave Sousuke ye-... Makoto stopped his thoughts. His eyes widened slightly. What? He didn't want to leave Sousuke yet? Embarrassment flooded the boy's entire being. This couldn't be happening, but it was as clear as day.

Makoto was staring into Sousuke's eyes as he replied, he couldn't understand a word he said but looked like he did. Even if he wasn't looking at Makoto. Green eyes stared at teal the entire time.

His tall structure, it was hard for Makoto to find someone taller then him.
Sousuke's perfectly toned muscles, who was he becoming, Gou?
His deep and smooth, smooth voice. Makoto could listen to it any day.

"Makoto!" Sousuke suddenly spoke loudly towards Makoto.

"Wah!" Makoto's jumped in surprise. He couldn't hide the blush that was creeping slowly from his neck up to his face. He ran his fingers through his bangs trying to hide his face.

"What did you need?" Makoto tried to compose himself once again.

Sousuke repeated himself with a sigh, his left hand rubbing the back of his neck tensely.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place, so we could get to know even more about each other? Minus the crowd amongst us."

Makoto's flat lined lips formed into a wide toothy smile.

"Of course Sou! I'd love too!"

Sousuke had an expression that only showed confusion.

"...Sou?" The older male's eye visibly twitched.

Yep... Makoto thought as he eyed Sousuke throughly. His crazy imagination and embarrassing thoughts were indeed correct. Makoto Tachibana had fallen for Sousuke Yamazaki.

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