Chapter ~ 2

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Makoto looked up with a look at him, confusion apparent on his tan features.

Sousuke's eyes stared at him before they darted to the right of Makoto. He could see a plastic bag with what looked like a bento box in it on the sidewalk. He bent over and picked it up, he handed it over to the embarrassed green eyed boy. Sousuke gave a small smirk-like-smile as Makoto took it graciously.

"Thank you, Yamazaki-Sa-" Makoto was cut off by Sousuke's sudden deep voice.

"-Lay off the formal speech, just call me Sousuke."

Makoto noticed how serious and deadpan Sousuke's face was, was it always like that? He felt his own face heat up suddenly, realizing that he was probably staring for a few seconds too long.

"Sorry about that... Sousuke. So uh, did you need to talk to me about something?"

"I figured it'd  be nice to check out the competition before nationals. We've met before, just not actually spoken. Would you like to talk at the cafe for a bit? To just, you know, get to know each other a little better."

Sousuke looked away at that last sentence. Makoto tilted his head a bit, as to show how he was a little confused. He let it process in his mind a little longer and gave a giant smile towards Sousuke.

"Of course Yama-!"


"What would you like to order?" The waitress asked.

She was a young woman, with short brown hair, pulled back into a pony tail. She stuffed it into the hole on the back of her yellow uniforms baseball hat.

"I'll take a coffee, black, please." Sousuke said as he looked at the female in the eyes politely.

"J-just regular tea, please?" Makoto stammered over his words. He wasn't a huge talker to people he didn't know. He tried to mimick Sousuke's polite attitude as best as he could. The waiter nodded with a smile as she shut her notebook and walked away.

Haha, he's adorable... Wait..
Sousuke was surprised by the quick thought that just poped into his mind. His eyebrows furrowed as he dropped his into his hands for a second in shame.


"Huh? What." Sousuke returned to his normal self and wiggled around in his chair to adjust.

"You seemed troubled for second there." Makoto asked nervously, worrying for the black hair man.

"No I'm fine, just remembered some homework I left at school. Besides that, thanks for coming out to hang with such late notice. I really appreciate it." Makoto recovered quickly, he felt bad for the lie he told though.

Makoto gave off his signature smile. He tilted his head, eyes closed with a wide smile.
"Anytime! I'm glad I get to make a new acquaintance." Makoto sounded almost overly cheery to meet Sousuke.

"...Please don't do that." Sousuke whispered as a slight heat arose on his cheek bones. He stared at the slightly shorter boy's face. His features were sweet and symmetrical, almost feminine.

"I'm sorry. Does it bother you?" Makoto's face suddenly was overcome with a sad and hurt expression. Sousuke noticed this and immediately regretted saying anything. He waved his hands in front of him quickly to clear up any accusations Makoto could have made.

"No, it's fine! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Smile as much as you want. It's just that..."

The same waitress from before interrupted Sousuke as she came back with drinks on a tray. She set the glasses down firmly in front of the two boys. They both thanked her at the same time, she bowed her head slightly before walking away.

"Back to before..." Makoto started to ask again. "It's just that... what?"

"Never mind, don't worry about it." Sousuke mumbled before reaching out and taking a sip of his coffee. Makoto for fully stopped himself from pushing any further. It didn't feel nice to be interrogated with questions, especially after the person denied giving out any information.

"Oh okay... Tell me when you're ready, no need to push yourself."

Again with that signature smile... Sousuke looked away from him again. He would tell Makoto another time. Makoto didn't like the awkward silence that fell over them suddenly. He tried to lighten the mood by asking Sousuke a few questions.

"So, you like black coffee?"

Sousuke nodded as he sipped quietly. "I'm not a huge fan of sweets, I prefer it plain." He could tell Makoto was trying to ease the tension, he hid behind the cup as a small smile came over him at the kindness of the boy.

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