Chapter ~ 6

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Thank you 'blackkittynextdoor' for leaving a comment. You're amazing, friend. :)

Sousuke was sitting on the couch, waiting patiently for a reply from Makoto. After about 6 minutes, his phone rang once again.

:: ... ::
'Delivered 5:54 pm'

Sousuke was thinking about how someone would respond to blank dots. Another text came right after it.

:: Are you being serious? This was just a joke right, ahaha good one... 😅 ::
'Delivered 5:55 pm'

Really? Sousuke thought. Makoto thinks he's joking? Sousuke thought about it for a few seconds himself before he started to type again.

:: No, I'm not joking. I, Sousuke Yamazaki, love Makoto Tachibana. ::
'Sent 5:57 pm'

:: Oh. ::
'Delivered 5:57 pm'

That was all Sousuke had gotten back, an 'oh'. He decided it was time to ask for the other males' opinion.

:: Do you like me back? ::
'Sent 5:58 pm'

:: Well, you're a great guy and you're really sweet n' stuff, but I just... I don't feel comfortable accepting the fact that I'm... You know, gay. :( ::
'Delivered 5:58 pm'

:: Is that a yes...? ::
'Sent 5:59 pm'

:: Well... ::
'Delivered 5:59'

:: Makoto. ::
'Sent 5:59 pm'

:: ...Yes 😔 ::
'Delivered 6:00 pm'

There were no more text sent that night. Sousuke was over joyed by what had just happened. Makoto likes him... He likes Makoto. Sousuke was thinking of the possibilities that were flying through his head.

What if they started dating... Sousuke stopped.
A giant heartfelt smile was plastered to his face. That would make him very happy.
Sousuke decided he would text Makoto in the morning and see how he was taking this.

Little did Sousuke know, Makoto was having a throw down over at his house.


Makoto threw his phone across the room, the battery flew out of it as it made contact with the floor. He squealed loudly, not like a school girl, but like the time Nagisa had scared him by popping out of the bathtub at Haru's house.

"Mako darling!?"
Makoto's mother yelled loudly from downstairs.

'Uh oh...' Makoto thought painfully. He heard quick footsteps bang up the stairs.
His bedroom door was thrown open.

"Makoto are you okay!?" Makoto's mother had a scared expression on her face. Not used to the sound that came out of Makoto's mouth. She was a scardy cat and worried about everything, that's where Makoto got the same traits from.

She noticed the phone on the floor. She picked up the battery and popped it back into its place. The phone automatically turned on and she came face to face with the text from the conversation Makoto and Sousuke had.

Her eyes opened wide.
"Makoto... Is this whats troubling you sweetest?"

"Mom..." Makoto whined. He rested his burning face into his hands as she walked towards the bed he was currently sitting on.

"Mako darling, it's okay." She cooed.

"No it's not, Mom. I don't know what to do." Makoto continued to whine.

"Do you love this Sousuke kid that much?"

Makoto nodded his head slowly, not looking up from his hands.

"I think you should go for it."

"Huh!?" Makoto's head then shot up like a deer in headlights.
"You mean ask him out...?"

Makoto's mother smiled sweetly. "The heart wants what it wants."
Makoto sighed quietly.

"You're right... Tomorrow. I'll ask tomorrow."

"Good idea, sweetie"

"You aren't... Weirded out? You know... That I'm gay."

"No, Makoto. I love you just the way you are."

Tears formed in Makoto's eyes, he hugged his mom tightly.

"Thank you... I love you too."

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