Chapter - 4

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"Where do you live, Sousuke-kun?" Makoto asked in a friendly tone.

"In an apartment complex near Samezuka Academy, nothing special." Sousuke shrugged.
They were both just arriving upon said apartment complex.

Sousuke lived on the 2nd floor of Sky Blue Flats, so they took the stairs instead of the elevator.
The outside of the building was, hence the name, a beautiful sky blue.

The two men walked inside of Sousuke's apartment. Makoto took a long look around the front room. Makoto made a small chuckle.

"Sousuke, this place is so beautiful!!"

Sousuke stared wide eyed at him. "...Thank you, it's not much but it's tolerable."

Makoto could see a small grin on the most of the time straight face.
"Come inside, we can sit in the living room."
They sat on the dark grey couch that sat promptly on the back wall.

"Now that we're situated... Do you like video games, Mako?
"Oh you bet I do! You have any?"
Sousuke got up and searched around in a drawer, it was connected to the black wood stand the television was on.
He picked up a case, got the DVD inside, and put it into the white Wii neatly tucked in a corner.

Sousuke tossed a controller to Makoto who sat patiently on the couch. He caught it expertly.
"What are we playing?"
"Mario Cart."

For the first time, Makoto heard Sousuke laugh.
It was deep and smooth, not too loud and not too soft. It lasted a couple of seconds till the only sound in the room was the theme from the title screen.

"Sousuke, you should laugh more often. It's really sweet."
"Hm..." Was the happy response Makoto received.
"Just to warn you though... I never lose at Mario Cart."
Makoto gave a suggestive glare like smirk towards Sousuke's way.

"I LOST!? B-But how!!?" Makoto yelled.
"Sorry Makoto, but you underestimated me. Correction... I'm the Mario Cart champ." Sosuke set his remote down on the arm rest and leaned back comfortably. Smirking as he heard Makotos whines of displeasure.

"Oh well..." Makoto sighed. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to play with you, oh great one." Makoto playfully bowed.

During sometime in the middle of their playing, they had moved from the couch to the soft carpeted floor.

Sousuke smiled a small smile at Makoto's playfulness. He tackled Makoto from the side, pinning him to the ground. The tickle war had begun...
Sousuke attacked his stomach while Makoto was attempting to get his neck. With very loud giggles and barrel rolls, It had ended. With the sounds of heavy breathing emitting from both party's.

Sousuke was leaning over Makotos face, just inches from it. They locked eyes with each other, green staring into beautiful teal.

Makoto heart was racing and in the heat of the moment he flung his head forward and connected lips with the larger male. It lasted for only a few seconds while in the minds of the boys it felt like eternity.

Makoto suddenly flung back and into a right up position again. Both of his hands were hovering over his mouth, trying to contain the blush forming fast on his tan features.
"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen...I- I..."

And with that, Makoto ran and slammed the door behind him. Leaving a very stunned yet sadly hanging Sousuke in the middle of the living room.

You Know You Love Me ~ Sousuke x Makoto (Free!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora