The Academy Of Space Exploration and Research

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"These graduates have come a long way from knowing little about space, but because of us here at The Academy Of Space Exploration And Research, these humans will be taking their first trips into space. Making space safer for everyone" The crowd cheered and the headmaster smiled. "So let's get started handing out these awards!" He started as he waved a stack of papers in the air.

Every student was then called up to the stage, until finally Walter's name was called. "Walter Elizabeth Rogers." Walter got up from where he was sitting with his parents and walked across the large room filled corner to corner with cheap plastic chairs. He walked down the red carpeted laneway, his poorly sewn gay and trans flag flowing behind him. When he got to the stage he climbed up the red velvet stairs leading up to the huge stage. Once he was up there he shook the headmaster's hand and took his certificate. He then walked down the velvet steps right as the next name was being called. "Jones Rodrick Smith". When the last person that was called sat down all the graduates threw their hats.

Hours later Walter arrived at the Space Departer Station. He got out of his car and grabbed his bags from the back of his banged up white Toyota Highlander. There were crowds and crowds of people flooding into the entrance of the departing station's dorm house. Walter followed with the crowds inside, it was decently big with chairs and couches spread out all over the floor. Three elevators occupied the opposite wall with lines for each. To the left was a cafeteria with booths, chairs and trash cans. There was a glass area where you could order and buy food. Walter walked over to the elevators, looked around and saw a sign for the stairs to the right. Then walked to the stairs, opened the doors to the stairs and walked to the fifth floor.

When he opened the door he was hit with a wave of loud yelling and screaming, almost like it was the apocalypse. He set his bag down and pulled out a key with a tag that said "516" on it. He put his key back into his pocket, picked up his bags and walked down the corridor. Walking past door after door each having a number and a sheet of paper taped to each door. Before he knew it he hit the door 516. He looked at the paper taped to his door that said "Walter Rogers" underneath was the name "Jones Smith". Walter gave out a deep sigh and pulled out the key to unlock the door. He turned the key and opened the door.

The room was small with two beds, one on each side of the room. Each bed was also accompanied by a small desk that would look like it would come crashing to the floor if it was slightly bumped. The walls were a very light gray with a large window right in the middle of the room. On the right side of the room there was posters of planets and spaceships everywhere. An old box TV sat on the desk with a Nintendo NES hooked up to the TV. The bed had a dark blue bedding with planets and stars all over it with a boy laying on bed on his phone. The boy moved his phone to reveal his face which had several tiny scratches along it. He moved the long sways of his mullet out of his eyes to look at Walter who was still standing in the doorway.

"You must be Walter!" He shot up from his bed and ran over to Walter and raised his hand. "The names Jones, Jones Smith." Jones was very short compared to Walter who was 6'2, he had to at least be 5' 6 or 5'7. Walter set down his bags and shook Jones's hand, almost having to crouch.

"Walter Rogers." Walter walked to his bed and threw his bags onto it. He opened the bigger bag and pulled out the poorly sewn Gay and Trans flag he wore at his graduation. He then grabbed a bag of tacks and tacked it to the wall above his headboard.

"Sooo, You're gay?" Jones asked, sitting on his bed watching Walter put up this flag.

"Uhh yeah..?"

"That's gay."

"Well of course it's gay... I'm gay." Walter rolled his eyes and continued unpacking, while instead of helping Walter unpack Jones just sat on his phone and scrolled through YouTube Shorts.

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