Shattered Glass to the Bridge

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This chapter has mentions of blood, gay related topics, and mention of lost parents. Please proceed reading with caution 


The sounds of an electric drill whirled through space. An astronaut hovers outside The Daredevil fixing the outside by screwing in metal to patch a hole. In Walter's helmet Out of My League by Fitz and the Tantrums is playing.

"40 days and 40 nights. I've waited for a boy like you to come and change my life." He continued screwing in a new piece of metal to cover the hole from the asteroid belt. Minutes passed of him singing whatever song came on his playlist and screwing in bolt after bolt until he was finished. He touched his middle finger to his thumb together, stopping his music right before Jones' voice could be heard in the helmet.

"I'm finished pull me in"

"Hmm nah"

"Jones Rodrick Smith, I swear to god if you don't pull me in-"

"Okay! No need to use my full name" The line went dead and Walter's music started playing again as he removed his fingers from each other. He felt a slow tug on his suit as he was being pulled back towards the ship entrance. The line decreased as he arrived in the back of the ship with the door slowly closing behind him. The red light at the other wall switched to green indicating it was okay to take off the helmet. He popped it off, setting it on the shelf to his right and unzipped his suit revealing his black under-suit. He walked to the door it opened letting him in the gray hallway. He made his way to the command center the door opening for him like always. Jones sat in the pilot's chair and spun around as the door opened.

"All fixed." Walter made his way to the co-pilot seat and buckled himself in.

"Thank god, lets fucking go." Jones turned back to the console and stretched his fingers, a few cracking.

"Watch your language" He turned to Jones, who was now hitting buttons to get The Daredevil started.

"You aren't my fucking mom, because she's dead." He set his hand on the lever to his right ready to increase the speed.

"Wait what-" Just as Walter was about to finish Jones shoved the speed lever causing them to fly backwards. Slowly but surely their bodies adjusted to the sudden change in speed and Walter was able to remove his head from the back of his seat.

"Seriously dude." He slowly moved a hand to Jones' shoulder. "You good?" Jones suddenly pulled the lever towards him causing Walter's head to slam forward, along with his hand slamming the console.

"Ow! What the heck man!" Jones shakily pointed ahead of him and out of the window. A big silver ship floated in front. A hole taking up atleast ⅛ of the side of the seven story ship, pieces of the ship debris floated around the hole. Cracked windows scattered the ship's windows, being more common around the hole. A big dent sat in the middle front window, cracks running all over it.

"Oh my god..." Jones frantically looked at the console until he found the "Hold" button and slapped it. He quickly unbuckled himself, springing up from his chair and ran into the ship's hall. Walter struggled to unbuckle himself but when he did he took off after Jones who ran down the hallway.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jones picked up speed and walked into the ship's entrance.

"Going on that ship." He pulled his suit off the wall making the hanger snap and clatter against the metal floor. "That hole is fresh, someone or something could still be alive." He zipped his suit up as Walter calmly pulled his off the wall and put it on, following Jones to the helmets.

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