Bot Bonding

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This part has mentions of mass amounts of blood, along with panic attacks and death. Please skip this part if you are triggered by any of those things.


"Soaring through the mass stars in Galaxy 801, I am almost finished working on my army assistant. Code name: D.I.N.A.A. With D.I.N.A.A. I can work on immediately summoning armor and weapons with one action. Inspired by Jones's "accident" a month ago, I think this 'war weapon' will be very beneficial."

A tiny click sounded as Walter set down his audio recorder on his desk and got back to work. Individually picking up piece by piece, carefully sorting them into place. Sparks flying over his dimly lit desk. With each spark it flared over his room, lighting it up like a firefly; flickering then flaring out. Footsteps rang down the hall outside of his room getting closer. The closer the footsteps the tiny whirling of wheels followed. His door slid open as Jones ran in slamming a button making the door shut just before M.A.R.C. got in. Walter sat up and spun around to look at Jones.

"Wow, dude it's dark in here." Jones flicked on the light switch as Walter slowly removed his spark glasses.

"Easier to see what I'm doing. And if you do that to my robot again I will remove you off this ship."

"You don't even know how to drive the ship."

"That doesn't mean I can't learn now, let in my robot." With a groan Jones turned around, hitting the button open the metal door. M.A.R.C. sped in knocking Jones off his feet and slamming his head on the floor.

"Ow see?" He slowly sat up rubbing the goose bump now forming on the back of his head. "That thing is a menace to society." M.A.R.C. whirled over to Jones, tapping his grabber on the goose bump making him squeal.

"He's harmless, literally. I removed his weapons from his arms." Walter spun back around, continuing working on D.I.N.A.A. Jones stood up, M.A.R.C. trying to hold his leg so he wouldn't fall before getting kicked away.

"Wait, you mean this abomination," He pointed to M.A.R.C. whose eyes flicked off and back on almost blinking. "Used to have weapons in it?" Walter nodded while writing on a sheet of scrap paper.

"Yup, but because of your injuries I had to quickly switch him to a medical robot to save your life." Jones sat on Walter's unmade bed, creaking as he sat down.

"Wow... That still doesn't change any feelings I have for you." He kicked M.A.R.C. sending him flying back a few centimeters.

"My job is to make sure you are conscious and to stay safe."

"Oh kill yourself side bitch."

"My program will not allow me to do that." Walter turned around glaring at their interaction.

"Here I'll help with that. Walter, hammer." Jones outstretched a hand to Walter. Walter grabbed the hand followed by M.A.R.C.s grabber and led them both out the door. "You too argue out here. I can't take your voice right now. I'm trying to work and both of you barge in here." He shoved them out of the door and walked back in. "Stay out." He hit the button and the door closed on their faces. Jones hit the button on the other side, the door didn't move.

"Crap, he locked it." He spun around looking at the hallway before walking to the command center. The tiny whirling of M.A.R.C.s wheels following him. He walked to the pilot's chair and sat down with a sigh. Stars slowly passed as they went through space.

Jones never takes a nap, though at this time sitting in the pilots chair he felt like sleeping and never waking up. He slowly closed his eyes, submerging into his dreams.

He slowly stood up in the dark room, his body wet from the half an inch of water on the floor. Standing up he looked around the black area, taking a step forward the sound of a lamp flickering on echoed behind him.

He quickly turned around to a desk and a black office chair. Papers scattered the desk, along with some floating in the water. A small like the Pixar lamp sat in the right corner, yellow light shining the watery floor and the cluttered desk. Tiny sparks occasionally shoot up and past the reflecting light into the dark above. They whirled in the air before dimming and gracefully floating down into nothing.

Jones walked over, his space boots sloshing in the water. He walked closer until he stood a few feet away from the chair. Out stretching his hand as the sparks floating down landing in his palm, leaving a small tingling sensation before disappearing.

Slowly he set a hand on the chair and peered over it. Walter's head to concentrate on what he was working on. Jones turned his head to peer at what he was working on. A small metal chess board with all the black pieces having his face on it and the white having none. Walter's hand reached up from the desk, picked up the furthest white pawn and moved it two spaces forward. The black pawn on the other side magically moved forward two spaces diagonal from the white pawn. Walter slowly picked up the white knight, slamming it on top of the black pawn. Wood shattered all over, Jones taking a step back, but not fast enough for a slice of wood to jam into his nose, making blood spew all over as wood passed his head. Tiny plops of the wood and blood as they hit the water covered floor.

He slowly turned around as Walter kept playing against the entity controlling the black pieces. He walked to the black piece in the water picking it up and looking at the two pieces split at the neck of the pawn. He rolled the head over in his hand to the front, his head on the pawn leaking blood from his gash on his nose.

"Walter, what are you doing?!" He turned to Walter and continued. "Answer me-" Walter faced Jones, his back to his desk looking at his lap. Slowly he raised his head looking at Jones with a faceless head. Eyes, nose, mouth, every defining facial feature missing. Jones took a few steps back as Walter slowly stood up watching Jones drop the broken chess piece with a plop. He whirled around and took off running, slipping on the water covered floor. Jones kept running until certain enough he had gotten far enough away. He stopped and turned around with no Walter in sight. With a sigh he turned back around with Walter standing in front of him.

Jones screamed, falling off the pilot's chair. Metal ringing sounded as M.A.R.C. tumbled out of his lap and fell to the floor. He flipped over to his wheels and whirled over to Jones who in now curled up with his head in his knees pulling at his hair.

There was a tiny pop before the first-aid kit on his back fell on the ground and opened. Reaching into the first-aid kit M.A.R.C. pulled out a foam rocketship stress toy, he grabbed Jones right arm with his grabber and set the rocket ship toy in Jones' hand. His once staggered breath slowed down at the new feeling in his hand. Slowly he looked up from between his knees first at the foam stress toy then at M.A.R.C. who looked like was smiling at him.

With a quick motion Jones pulled M.A.R.C. into a hug, his tears rolling off the round, scratched head. M.A.R.C. extended his arm over Jones' shoulder, twisted his grabber to the side and patted Jones' back.

"There there, Jones. It's okay. M.A.R.C. is here." Minutes passed before Jones whipped his running boogers on his sleeve. M.A.R.C. turned to the first-aid kit pulling out a small portable Kleenex package, giving it to Jones. He took it, blowing his nose, throwing the dirty Kleenex across the room with it landing in front of the garbage. He groaned before standing up, walking over to the trash can and putting the Kleenex in before walking back to where he was before with his legs stretched out. "Help, help." Jones looked at M.A.R.C. who was trying to get his first-aid kit onto his back. Jones flipped over onto his knees laughing as he made his way to the robot. He picked up the first-aid kit and lined it up with the two tiny metal pegs sticking out of M.A.R.C.'s back, stabilizing it on his back. "Thank you."

"No problem bot." He leaned back sitting on his butt. "You know bot," He looked at M.A.R.C. who looked back at Jones. "You're actually okay."

"I know I am." Jones stuck out his hand to M.A.R.C.


"I never had a problem with you, why truce when the feeling isn't mutual?"

"I don't know half of the words you just said but I'll take that as a yes." He grabbed M.A.R.C.'s grabber shaking it up and down.

"You have a paramount of crucial communication skills missing."

"Me too bro, me too." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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