M.A.R.C. Equals Mechanical Artillery Robotic Creation

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This chapter has serve mentions of abuse, blood, death, guns and non-English languages.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

October 18th 1896 (Earth time)

Galaxy 589-Z

Planet: ⟒⏁⊑⏃⋏

"What in the ⌰⍜⍀⎅ ⌇⏃⏁⏃⋏ is this?!"

"It's the robot you asked for the mission sir."

M.A.R.C. blinked his little lights as he looked between his creator and what seems to be his superior. M.A.R.C. or at this time ☌⏃⍀⊬ wasn't even a medical robot. he was originally created as an army weapon, his tiny grabbers which can change into medical weapons before transformed into weapons to hurt people.

"Get this thing out of my sight."

"But sir-" A fuzzy white paw slammed across the creator's face, leaving three big scratches across his hairless face.

"NOW!" Its cat-like teeth showing, hair sticking up through its collared shirt before turning and walking away, tail flicking through the air. The glass door slid open as it walked out and walked down the hallway. The creator turned around. Sad green eyes like upside down triangles. Pink scrunched up nose even with the dark bags below his eyes. Hairless arms stuck out from the white scrunched up sleeves of the lab coat. His metal tail stuck between his legs. He sighed and looked at the little robot.

"And I just got you to work properly." He grabbed a wrench and made its way over to the table. M.A.R.C. hopped off the table, whirling around the room to avoid the Catlien that brought him to life. Minutes passed and slowly the Catlien stopped chasing, plopping down in his chair at his desk. M.A.R.C. wheeled up to it, looking at him. He rolled over to the Catlien's leg, extending its grabbers, giving it a big hug.

"You're too sweet to be destroyed... let's go." The Catlien stood up and walked out the door, sliding open. "We are getting you on that mission. M.A.R.C. rolled through the door. The creator leading the way. With walls made of white quartz and glass windows lined the hallways walls, with each passing window the more creators looked out, some peering through their window and others being so shocked they watched the robot follow their college pass from their doorway. They came to a corner but continued to follow the hall, until a big metal door came into the view.

"You can't be seen past this door, meaning I'll have to hide you." He reached his metal tail in front of the tiny robot. "Grab on" It obeyed, hooking its grabbers around the metal tail. It lifted up, the end splitting off into two. The one M.A.R.C. grabbed onto and lifted him up underneath the white lab coat while the new split off tail became the now visible one. Its huge paw pulled a key card out of its tiny front pocket and scanned it on the door letting it slowly slide open. On the other side Catliens roamed, babies and elders all walked around the huge courtyard, a big fountain in the middle spewed clear blue liquid. Quartz pavement lined it as well as the stores surrounding it with dark brick accents. A glass dome sat above it all revealing ⟒⏁⊑⏃⋏'s eight moons, three a bright pink, two turquoise, and the other three consisting of vomit green, yellow and a deep purple.

They glittered against the quartz floor making a mirage of colors. Screens above shops flashed ads for designer brands and toothpaste. Creator started striding, avoiding people on the way to quickly make it to the other side of the plaza without being spotted. Half way through the plaza the TVs switched to a red screen, the calm music coming from them abruptly stopping switching to sirens. As an army of Catliens burst through the metal doors behind them. The creator glanced at the TVs, bolting to the other side making M.A.R.C. slide down to the tip of the tail able to look at the screens:

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