3... 2... 1...

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The next morning Walter woke up to his alarm blaring. He fumbled around looking for his glasses, when he found them he put them on and turned off the alarm on his phone. Jones turned over in his bed making a grunting sound as he turned. Walter quietly stood up not to wake Jones, he pulled his bag out from underneath his bed. He opened it up and pulled out the first two things he saw which were a pair of gray sweatpants and a light orange hoodie. He grabbed his lanyard off his desk but gripped the keys on it tightly as the keys started jingling. His lanyard has of course his car keys along with pins, one of those pins that stuck out was a pin of Grumpy Cat. 

When he finished he tiptoed to the door and quietly opened it before heading to the elevator. He went down the elevator to the first floor. Grabbing a coffee from the cafeteria and finding a spot to sit. About half an hour later Jones walked out of the elevator and Walter's mouth fell. Jones was wearing a Perry the Platypus onesie, it has a sewn on cowboy hat at the top of the head. Walter personally thought it was ugly but other people seemed to like it with Jones crowded with people asking where he got it and how much it cost. Soon though he saw Jones running to the cafeteria trying to avoid all the people so he could eat. He grabbed a plate, threw some french toast onto it and ran to Walter and sat down.

"Not a very good idea to wear a Perry the Platypus onesie in a nerd dorm, hm?" Walter stated taking a sip of his coffee as Jones sat down.

"Oh shut it." Jones snapped back before shoving french toast into his mouth getting syrup everywhere.

"Uhh you got a little..." Walter pointed to Jones' chin which is basically a waterfall of syrup. He grabbed a napkin and wiped all the syrup off

"Thanks man."

"Yup" Walter sipped more of his coffee till it was empty then set his mug back on the table.

"So after we eat we need to head to the Departure Station and drop off our bags and stuff." Jones said, spitting french toast everywhere.

"So we'll need a car?" Walter asked, holding up his keys.

"Definitely, I may be strong but I can't carry all of our bags." Jones started flexing his muscles but due to his onesie you couldn't see anything, like he had any to begin with. Walter stood up and rolled his eyes, grabbing his coffee cup.

"I'm going to get some more coffee, do you want anything?"

"Could I get an apple juice please?"

"Of course my liege." Walter did this awkward bow towards Jones and started laughing. Jones started laughing as well but started choking on his french toast. He walked to the drink station and poured himself another cup of coffee and grabbed a cup for Jones's apple juice. He filled it up and walked back to the table where Jones was no longer choking.

"Thanks man" Jones grabbed his apple juice from Walter and drank right after he spoke.

"No problem" After Jones finished eating he got up, put his plate and cup above the trash for it to be cleaned and made his way back to the table to sit down. Awkward silence filled the table as soon as he sat down. Walter took one last sip of his coffee before speaking:

"Should we uhhhh..." He pointed his thumb to the front entrance.

"Yeah, definitely." They got up from the table, Walter walked to the garbage and set his mug above it for it to be cleaned. He walked to the elevator as Jones walked to the stairs to grab the bags. When the elevator opened Walter walked inside and hit the button that said "P2". It took about a minute for the elevator to stop and open. 

When it did he stepped out and grabbed his keys to hit the alarm button on the key fob. An alarm from a car sounded in the distance and started walking towards it. Once he got there he turned off the alarm, unlocked his car, got in and started the engine. The sound of his car starting echoes throughout the parking garage. He pulled out of the parking space and drove to the opening of the underground parking and waited for the automatic door to open. Once the door opened he drove out and found a spot close to the front door that would make it easier for him and Jones to carry their bags into the car. 

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