its always the good ones

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CHARMAINE SAT WITH HER legs crossed, and her posture straight as a board. She was wearing a long modest white dress, covered by a jean jacket. A dress she hated and her friends would be confused if they saw her wearing it. But most of her friends don't know how Charmaine's Mother is.  Charmaine set her phone down after texting Scarlett and looked up at her Mother, who was making tea in Charmaine's kitchen.

"Do you know why she's here?" Charmaine said in a low voice, turning her head over to her brother. Bryan was wearing a nice blazer and fancy dinner pants. His posture was upright and his hands were crossed together on his lap. 

The only response Charmaine got from her brother was a shake of his head, meaning the answer to her question was no. Charmaine sighed, fixing her posture.

Eleanor Monroe is a famous fashion designer, known for her beautiful artwork in fashion, and owns one of the most popular clothing brands known. Her looks are unparalleled, which is a reputation she means to upkeep. Eleanor got pregnant with Bryan when she was only 19, and was just beginning her career. She got married to James Monroe, a famous model, and Charmaine and Bryan's Father when she found out she was pregnant with Bryan. 

4 years later, Eleanor and James got a divorce but later reconciled their differences when Eleanor found out she was pregnant with Charmaine. After Charmaine was born, the couple went their separate ways, Eleanor taking Bryan and James taking Charmaine. The siblings saw each other once every month, which was all their parents could handle without screaming at each other.

When Charmaine was 18, she left and went to live with her brother, leaving their parents behind, but still texting her Father as much as she can. James Monroe was an awesome Father, but Eleanor Monroe was not an awesome Mother.

Eleanor walked into the dining room, setting the teapot down in the center of the dining table, making sure it was centered correctly, before taking a seat across from her children.

"Bryan. Pour the tea. You know how I like mine." She looked at Bryan, demanding it of him, as Bryan nodded, standing up and pouring the three glasses of tea. He added just the right amount of sugar into his Mother's, before handing it to her. He set Charmaine's and his glass down in front of their seats.

Charmaine clenched her fists under the table. She hated when her Mother treated her brother like he was still under her control, but if she spoke about it, Bryan would be upset.

A knock was heard on the door, and Charmaine looked over at the front door. "That must be Scarlett. I invited her over," she stated, moving her eye contact back to her Mother, who was taking a sip of tea. 

Charmaine went to stand but was beaten by her Mother already standing and walking to the front door, opening it. "We're not having guests. Come back later." her Mother stated before Scarlett could get a word in, shutting the door on Scarlett's face. 

"Mom! What are you doing? She is my friend!" Charmaine stood, quickly walking over to the front door.

Eleanor put a hand on her daughter's chest to stop her from moving closer to the door handle. "I am here to speak to you about a private matter. Your friend can come over later."

"Well, can you get to it then?! You came into my home, spoke one word to me, walked into my kitchen and made tea, sat in silence while drinking that tea, and then slammed the door closed in my friend's face!" Charmaine exclaimed, her voice raising slightly as she spoke. Bryan stood up, walking over and setting a hand on Charmaine's back, trying to calm her.

"Can you lower your voice and quit with the disrespect you ungrateful little brat?!" Eleanor glared into her daughter's eyes, clenching her fists. "This news I have to tell you is not something you get over and done with. You should be grateful I am even telling you at all!" her Mother continued, her voice raised.

"Then just TELL ME!" Charmaine yelled, staring daggers right into her Mother's beady eyes. "Tell me, goddammit! What is so important that you have to come to my home and interrupt my life, as well as Bryan's?!" She took a step toward her Mother, looking up at her. 

Eleanor took a breath, looking down at her daughter. 

"Your Father is dead."

Charmaine's face of anger dropped. Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped closed, speechless. Her clenched fists dropped, her palms showing once again. Charmaine looked up at her Mother, before taking a step back, inhaling a shaky breath. 

After a long beat of silence. Eleanor spoke up. "Car accident. Killed him. The bastard never did watch his speeding." The woman looked at her daughter, no grief or any emotion at all on her face.

Eleanor's words rang in Charmaine's head. The lack of empathy, the insults towards her father, and the emotions she was feeling were sending her over the edge. "...Get... out..." Charmaine glared at her Mother, tears forming in her eyes. "LEAVE!" She yelled, shoving her Mother towards the door. 

Bryan looked at his sister, tears forming in his eyes just from seeing the state she was in. He looked over at his Mother, before opening the door and forcing her out. He closed the door behind Eleanor, turning to look at his sister.

Charmaine gulped, before fully tearing up, starting to cry. Tears started streaming down her face. Bryan reacted quickly, pulling his sister into a tight hug, rubbing her back. "I know." He said in a soft voice, "It's always the good ones. The hospital said he didn't suffer, though. He's in a good place, Char." Her brother cooed, continuing to try and calm her.

Charmaine stopped crying, pulling away from Bryan, looking at him. Her face had tears rolling down it still, and they continued flowing. "What do you mean.. the Hospital?" Charmaine narrowed her eyes at her brother, wiping her tears. 

Bryan's eyes widened slightly, as he took in a breath and took a step towards his sister.

"You knew... didn't you?" Charmaine's look slowly turned to glare, looking up at her brother, taking a step back when he tried to get closer to her.

 "You knew! You knew why she was here! What happened to Dad!" She raised her voice, every breath she took becoming more and more shakier. "You knew and didn't tell me!" she yelled, pointing a finger right at Bryan, tears falling out of her eyes.

Bryan's face immediately turned to one of guilt. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by his sister walking to the front door, opening it, and walking back over to him, shoving him out of the doorway. 

"Char! Stop! I was doing it to protect you! You have to understand, please.." Bryan looked at his sister, whose normal face, was replaced by grief, and anger. A glare of betrayal in her eyes. 

Charmaine slammed the door in his face, locking it. She turned around, clenching her fists, before walking over to the dining table, staring at the 3 white tea cups with a gold rim, still steaming from the hot liquid in them.

Charmaine's breathing became more rapid, and angry, as she grabbed their tea cups, slamming every cup into the floor, before grabbing the teapot and slamming it onto the floor as well. 

The glass shattered everywhere, the hot tea in the teapot splashing all over Charmaine's dress. Charmaine took a step back, looking at the area of shattered glass, before breaking down onto the floor, crying.

A/N: this chapter is a lot to take in, my poor bby char :(

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