pack up and leave

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CHARMAINE WALKED INTO the living room where Sebastian had been sitting on the couch rereading all of the social media posts and comments from the night before. Charmaine had left to go call Gina and explain everything she saw on the media last night. 

"Finished. Sorry that took so long, she wanted to go into my feelings." Charmaine sighed, sitting on the couch next to him. 

"Well, she is your therapist. It's her job to go into your feelings." Sebastian smiled, putting down his phone and looking at her. 

"Were you checking social media?" Charmaine asked, nodding her head towards his phone, and then looking back at him.

"Yeah. It's not... that bad. But I definitely do think our little break from the media is needed." Sebastian shrugged.

"Why do I have a feeling that "not that bad" is actually really bad?" Charmaine raised her eyebrow, looking at him.

Sebastian laughed, looking at her. "Just forget about the media." 

"My therapist said the same thing." Charmaine looked at him, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on them.

"We should take a vacation," Sebastian suggested, looking at her.

"A vacation? You haven't even taken me on a date yet." Charmaine laughed, looking at him.

"Think of this as one! Come on. You need it. You haven't left this house in weeks. You deserve to let loose." Sebastian looked at her with a cheeky smile.

"Sebastian we can not just pack up and leave! We have jobs." Charmaine giggled, sitting up straighter.

"Who says we can't?" Sebastian asked.

"...What if people see us?" Charmaine changed the subject, raising her eyebrows at him and shaking her head.

"Then we wave." Sebastian smiled.

"You are a crazy man, Sebastian Stan." Charmaine laughed.

"You need to stop worrying about everyone else's eyes on you and worry about yourself.  You're Charmaine Monroe." Sebastian stated.

"What is up with you and my name?" Charmaine giggled.

"It's fancy. I like the way it rolls off my tongue." He joked, smiling.

Charmaine stayed quiet for a moment, sighing. "Where would we even go?" 

"Where do you want to go?" Sebastian shrugged, looking at her.

"Somewhere with a beach. I love the beach." Charmaine stated.

"I learn more about you every day. But the issue with a beach is that it's January." Sebastian laughed.

"Oh shit, right. I forgot about that. What about... France?" Charmaine suggested.

"France. I haven't been in forever. But it sounds perfect." Sebastian stated.

"I basically grew up there. I went there all the time. It's where my name comes from." Charmaine stated, looking at him.

"How about, tonight we go out for some dinner? Like a real date. We actually learn more about each other, because apparently, there is a lot of stuff we've never said to each other. That way, you can have the time to decide if you really would like a break for a bit. And if you do, I will book the flights." He suggested, looking at her.

Charmaine blushed a bit, before nodding. "Yeah...yeah. Sure. That sound's really nice."

"And I already know what you're thinking. "The media could see us out at dinner." And if you're really worried about it I can go buy some groceries and make it here if you'd like that." Sebastian smiled at her.

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