The start of something bad...

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The day started out normal. Mephone4 was positioning towards his childhood to keep him warm and safe. it was ruined. All in all, it was a normal day. But, who knew what was going to happen next...

Springy, the spring was pissed at the fact that nothing was going as was planned. At first, he thought that T (I’m calling them T, also T is Bot), and Olivia would become his mascots. But now, T was terribly stubborn.

"SPRINGTASTIC (tm) WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!!" Springy screamed at his best efforts, but they seemed to not be working.

Cabby tried to push him over with her drawers, but Springy bounced up and doged her, grabbing T from N/A. Then, he jumped down.

"HEY! What are you doing with my contestants?" Mephone4 asked bitterly.


Mephone4, being a little dumb and a phone who tries to listen to orders, looked.

"I don't see any- HEY!"

Springy was already running with the only two things he needed when the sentient phone looked back. Springy was laughing like a silly manic, which terrified his prizes. The spring mascot ran (or springed) to a boat he took to get there. N/A was following him, making sure that their creator didn't get hurt. Springy puts his new 'toys' into the boat first, then he goes in. T was crying, and Olivia was comforting them. Soon, Springy started rowing the boat with his pattle boards (which were conveniently in the boat).

"Are you two excited to become Springtasic's new toys?" Springy asked enthusiastically.
T was still crying their little heart out, and Olivia was comforting them, so he got no answer.

"Nuh-Nuh-Nooo..." Mutters T. They're trying to keep it together, but it is hard for them.

"I wanna go home!" The robot butterfly continued crying. Springy got angry, but he put on a smile once again.

"Well, we are going home. To your new home, that is~ And you'll learn to like it." He chuckled some while the children looked at him.

"You mean we're gonna be stuck there forever?" Olivia asked, obviously worried.

"I wouldn't say 'forever', more like 'a really long time'." Springy answered politely, even though all of the politeness in the world wouldn't change his idea.

Then, they made it.

(I'll have more later.)

'A Sproing In Your Step...' (An I. I. I. story.)Where stories live. Discover now