Part 6

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I had to admit getting ready to go out for a drink is getting me exited. I haven't been out in ages with the gang so it should be fun. I had to admit i am the lightweight out of them all two drinks and i get tipsy.

I had just done some plain make up as I don't like to go all out and i got changed into:

I had just done some plain make up as I don't like to go all out and i got changed into:

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Its very dark and plain. I should be in summer clothes but nobody will pay attention in the clubs.

I put on a pair of black heels and i grab my bag with my purse id money and my phone in. The butterflies in my stomach was going mad.

I go into the lift and make my way downstairs. I see my mum so i walk to her and bucky wolf whistles.

"Shut it barnes" i smirk.

"Get a lot of boys with that outfit. See you tomorrow because knowing you, you will probably end up in one of their beds" sam smirks at me.

"I don't do that shit Wilson. Im more a romantic couple kind of girl not a one night slag" i say turning towards my mother

I could see tony in the corner of my eye looking at me but I decided to ignore it.

"Mother can you drop me off please" i smile at her.

"Yeah, tony will take us as i need to to the shop" she says

I nod and after a little bit we walked to his car and I actually gasped.

"What?" Mum asks.

"This car is beautiful what the hell" i say gawking at it.

"What can i say. A beautiful car for a beautiful man" tony says posing.

I laugh at him and i climb in the back seat. I was sat right behind him and the smell off his Cologne was absolutely beautiful i had to admit.

When he started driving i kept seeing him looking in his mirror at me. I don't know if it was directly at me or looking out the back window but still it felt like he was looking at me.

I want to know how the hell i can stop getting the hots this man. Its constantly. He looks at me i get butterflies, he is so handsome and i dont know it's something about him. It's probably just a thing im going through,

We got outside the club and i climbed out.

"Ahhhh here she is!!" Katie shouts as she rushes over to me.

"God you seem tipsy" i laugh.

"I had pre drinks" she says.

"Summer behave. We will pick you up at 1am okay?" Mum says.

"Okay" i smile.

"If she is still here, like sam said she might have found herself a bed for the night" tony smirks

"Oh hey handsome, sum-" katie starts but i plsce my hand over her mouth and push her away.

"Will see you later" i shout back at them and i go with katie to the others.

Falling for the wrong manWhere stories live. Discover now