Part 10

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It was now a week later. I cannot for the life of me stop thinking of that kiss. It was so wrong and we both admitted it was wrong but my brain wants it to happen again. I kissed my mums boyfriend I'm such a bad daughter oh my god.

We haven't spoke about it since even though we have been quiet close i think we both wanted to forget about it. But i cant it still lingers on my lips.

I was currently reading on my bed as there was nothing else to do. I have been trying to look for jobs but my heart is set on teaching or working with babies but I can't do that until i have graduated.

My phone started ringing and it was an unknown number.

Me- hello there. I hid the body in the lake who is our next victim?

Tony- please for the love of god don't tell me that is true

Me- ohh hey tony, no I thought it was a spam caller.

Tony- im going to have to have some tips off you and also save my number you might need ironman in an emergency.

Me- ah I don't think so. Im scary as fuck  on my own

Tony- mmh okay five foot two. Anyway are you free?

Me- all depends, what do you need?

Tony- help down the lab

Me- tony stark needing help? Thought i would never see the day

Tony- shush. Anyway i know you have little hands

Me- do i want to know why?

Tony- just get down here short ass

I laugh and end the call. Placing my book mark in my book and putting it on the bed. I take my phone into the lift with me and make my way down to the lab. Pressing my hand on the screen as i had my hand print done i walked in and seen him laying shirtless on the bed thing.

"Uh what is going on?" I ask him

"Nothing bad don't panic, but i need you to change my arc" he says

"What no in no doctor" i say shocked that he would even ask me that.

"Come on your mother isn't here to do it for me
And you are the next best thing" he says

"Yanno if you die it wont be on me" i say walking towards him.

"If i die no it wont be on you. You can be on my will" he smirks.

"Oh might kill you anyway then" i wink.

"I haven't signed the will yet"

"Mmh i will have to wait then" i say grabbing a pair of gloves

"Sorry darling you cant use gloves. Only your hands as its going inside my body and its weird" he says.

"This sounds absolutely disgusting" i groan.

"Can't be that bad. You have probably put your hands in worse places than this" he smirks

"Uh no. Never touched a dick in my life" i lie.

"Oh yeah? Not even hunters?" He asks.

"Why am i talking about this with you?" I laugh.

"Because i am your step father" he winks.

"No not yet, thats just weird" i say.

"Very weird" he admits.

"Anyway what am I supposed to do?" I ask

He shows me what to do and talks me through it.

"I cannot do this tony" i say

"All you have to do is attach it now you have done everything else" he says with a slight laugh.

I take the new one off him and attach it in and he makes a weird face.

"Tastes weird" he says

"Ah" i laugh.

"Thank you, you are perfect" he smiles. "I mean uh perfect for the job" he adds on

"Thanks" i laugh.

I go to the sink and i wash my hands. I then go back to him and take the towel to wipe my hands. Without any warning what so ever he stands up and he kisses me... again. I was shocked at first and knew in my head that i needed to pull away. This is so wrong he is cheating on mum with me. But I couldn't help it I kissed him back

He smirks on my lips but thats when i pull away.

"Tony we said that wasn't going to happen. You are my mothers boyfriend!" I snap a little.

"You kissed back too" he says

"Yeah and really I shouldn't have, yes its amazing because I enjoy it but I shouldn't. Please don't do it again" i say walking away and to the lift.

I went straight to my room. Fuck this man. He cant keep doing this. He is still in a relationship with my mother. She would be broken if she found out. For fuck sake i feel so bad.

I pushed the thoughts to the side and i read my book. I needed a distraction. I put on some taylor swift and carried on reading.

(Sorry this is so short. I made a quick one for you all. I will make them longer I promise)

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