Chapter 1

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June 1989
There was only one more hour until school is out for summer. I kept an eye on the time waiting impatiently for us to leave, i haven't even concentrated hardly this year as my twin brother, Richie Tozier sits next to me and class and pretty much never stops talking and making stupid jokes 24/7 which gets annoying after a while since we live together, I gaze across the room hoping time would go faster and tried to block out Richie's constant talking and lay my eyes on my childhood bestfriend and crush Bill Denbrough, this year has been pretty tough for him as a few month ago his little brother Georgie went missing, which affected him a lot. I miss Georgie a lot to as I used to regularly go to Bills house and talk to Georgie too so when I found out he went missing it affected me a lot. Bill glances back at me and gives me a sweet smile which caused me to blush a little. After the longest hour of my life, the bell finally rings, all the students raced out of class enthusiastic on that summer break has finally began including my friend group called the losers club.
Our group consists of me the only girl of group however I am hated on by the school as people class me as a whore for hanging out with boys, Richie my twin brother the jokester of the group he gets bullied due to being annoying , Eddie the cautious of the group who has extreme germaphobia and is terrified of catching any sort of disease which causing him to be a target for bullies , Stan the smart and the most reserved he gets bullied for being Jewish of the group and finally Bill the leader of the group he gets bullied for his stutter and he is also my crush I have been in love with him since the 5th grade since we spend so much time with each other however I feel like he doesn't feel the same way.
All of us was in the same class except Stan as he was in the grade below us,
Richie, Eddie, Bill and I was talking about the bar Mitzvah at the synagogue with Stanley on Saturday,
"So there's this church full of Jews right and Stan has to take this super Jewy test" Eddie explained to us.
"But how does it work?" Bill questioned.
I stood next Bill and Richie, now I was in a much better mood as now school is finally out and I can finally just have fun without a care in the world,
"They slice the tip of his dick" Eddie said,
"But then Stan will have nothing left" Richie joked, which made me chuckle a little even though sometimes Richie's jokes got a little annoying I still found him amusing at times
"Hey guys!" Stan ran up to us,
"Hey Stan" i smiled,
"Hey Stan what happens at the Bar mitzvah anyways, Eds says they slice the tip of your d-d-dick off" Bill mentioned.
"Yeah and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say "where's the beef?" I elbowed Richie due to his comment
"Calm down Mollie I'm only joking" he chuckled,
"In all serious though Stan what actually happens?" I asked him.
"At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah, and then I make a speech and suddenly I become a man." He responded.
"I could think of better ways of becoming a man" Richie suggested,
"How would you know Rich? Maybe you should take your own advice rather than always playing street fighter" I teased, which caused Bill to laugh, which made my heart flutter.
While walking down the halls to make our way out of school we walked past the bullies of the school, belch, Patrick, Vic and the worst of them all Henry Bowers, they are one of the main reasons why we are all so excited to be out of school for the summer but I have bad feeling this won't be the last time we see them until school starts again.
A shiver ran through my spine walking past them as all of us could feel them staring at us.
"Think they'll sign my yearbook?" Richie asked
"Hey Richie sorry for taking a hot steaming dump in your backpack last month" he continued, as we walked I got shoved by one of my other bullies Greta Bowie she is a massive bitch and always makes fun of the other girls due to her thinking she is better than everyone,
"Bitch" I muttered,
As we made it out the the school, we rushed straight to the trash cans and poured all the school supplies in the trash,
"Best feeling ever" Stan exclaimed
"Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Richie replied.
"Hey what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked,
"Me and Mollie start our training" Richie said
"What training?"
"Street fighter" I answered,
"Is that how you guys wanna spend your summer inside of an arcade?" Eddie gave us a confused look.
"Better than spending it inside your mother, Oh!" Richie put his hand up to give you a high five but he pushed his hand down.
"Hey what about we go to the quarry?" I suggested,
"Guys we have the b-b-b-barrens" Bill said,
I nodded in response, Eddie looked at the school entrance.
"Betty Ripsom's mom" he said, we all looked in the same direction to her mom waiting outside of the school heartbroken about the disappearance of her daughter hoping she is in the school.
"Is she really expecting to her see her come out of school?" Stan questioned.
"I don't know, as if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in Home Ec. For the last few weeks." Eddie spoke,
"You think they'll actually find her?" Stan asked
"Sure, in a ditch all decomposed covered in worms and maggots smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear" Richie said,
"Shut up, that's freaking disgusting" Eddie scoffed,
"Gross Richie!" I said in disgust.
"She's not dead S-S-She's missing" Bill exclaimed I stood next to him and put my arm on his shoulder knowing this conversation was bringing up memories about Georgie,
"Sorry Bill she's missing" Richie became a lot more serious,
"You know the barrens aren't that bad who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water" Richie was cut off but Henry grabbing his bag and banging him and Stan together making both call over,
Patrick grabbed Stan's Kippah
"Nice frisbee flamer" as he threw it,
Belch proceeded to to burp in Eddies face, then Henry turned his attention to me,
"Hey hot stuff wanna hang out with the big boys" as he grabbed my ass,
"Fuck off henry!" I shouted as I shoved his arm away,
He then grabbed my wrist,
"Now that's not nice now is it miss Tozier, you really don't want to get on the wrong side of me" he gave me a menacing look as i managed to get out of his grip,
"We will see then, since your dad is other there I could easily tell him you are harassing me and we will see who is the one really in trouble" I snapped back, I gave him a smug smile however he instead turned his attention to Bill then shoved past him.
"You s-s-suck Bowers" Bill shouted.
Bowers and his gang then turned back to us,
"Shut up Bill" Eddie whispered
"You s-s-s-say something, B-B-Billy?" Henry mocked him,
"You got a free ride this year cause of your little brother, rides over Denbrough" he got up close to Bill then Henry looked at his dad which I saw a little bit of fear in him, I stood next to Bill hoping Henry won't harm him.
"This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your f*got friends" Henry warned him, he then licked his hand and wiped it on Bills face which made me squirm in disgust,
They then walked away,
"You ok?" I asked Bill,
"I'm fine, you ok?" He gave me a concerned look,
"I'll be fine" I gave him a smile which he gave in return,
"I wish he'd go missing" Richie said
"He's probably the one doing it" Eddie replied.

Authors note: hii thank you so much for reading i know it's kinda shit but I promise you It will get better the next chapter will be posted tomorrow hopefully 😁👍🏻

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