Chapter 9

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We all rode our bikes to Bills house, we started to set up projector put up blankets to cover the windows from light getting through. Bill and I stuck the map of Derry on the wall, Mike closed the garage door, which made the room look very dark the only source of light was the projector shining on the map. I stood next to Bill, as we zoomed in on some parts of the map.
"Look t-t-that's where G-Georgie disappeared" bill pointed to where it said storm drain on the map.
"That's the ironworks and the Black spot" as he pointed to the markers. He continued to explain,
"Everywhere it happens it's all connected by the sewers, and the all meet at-"
"The well house" Ben interrupted,
"It's in the house on neibolt street" Stanley said, I started to become nervous and bite my nails  which Bill noticed so he held my hand causing me to blush, I gave him a little smile in which he returned.
"You mean that creepy-ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asked,
I looked over to see Eddie starting to panic and use his inhaler, he looked even more nervous than me,
"I hate that place it always feels like it's watching me" Beverly said.
"You okay Eddie?" I asked,
"That's where I saw it. That's where I saw the clown" Eddie said in an anxious tone, he looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack.
"T-Thats where IT lives" Bill said.
Eddie started to inhale sharply as this was making him more panicked by the second.
I looked over at him concerned,
" I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there" I said
"Can we stop talking about this?" Eddie finally snapped,
"I-I-I can barely breathe. This is summer, we're kids. I can barely breathe I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack. I'm not doing this" Eddie blurted out, he then tore the map off the wall.
"What the hell? Put the map back" Bill said, in which Eddie shook his head in response.
We looked down to the projector to see it flicking slides on its on causing us all the freak out.
We looked at the projector
"What happened?" I asked,
"What's going on?" Stanley asked
The slides started flicking to family photos of Bill and his family.
"I got it hold on" Mike said,
In which he tried to stop it but it still kept flicking we all started to get even more freaked out by the second, then a family photo of Bill and his family popped up
"G-Georgie" Bill said, the projector zoomed in on Georgie,
"Bill?" Stan asked in a scared tone,
The projector started flicking rapidly. The projector then zoomed in on Bills mom in which her hair was covering her face, the photos kept flicking as the hair soon unveiled the face of the clown instead,
"What the fuck!" Richie yelled,
"It's It!" Bill shouted
"Holy fuck!" I yelled as I latched on Bill as he wrapped his arms around me,
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Richie repeatedly screamed as he and Eddie held each other terrified,
"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" Eddie replied in a terrified tone,
"Turn it off! Turn it off" Beverly shouted,
"Yeah! Yeah! Turn it off quickly!" I shouted,
Mike kicked the projector off the stand, it fell on the floor however still shining as it did not break, however it was slanted.
We were all panting in fear as the slides continued to flick however they were flicking slower in a more haunting and scary way, the clown was still on the screen, it kept turning off and on, off and on, off and on, the clown was no where to be seen until it flicked again. Till suddenly, the massive clown popped out the screen causing us all to screen "run Stanley!" Richie shouted, the clown started to laugh as it started to crawl quickly towards us I let go of Bill as he started to run towards the garage door with Eddie,
"What is it?" Eddie shouted,
"Mollie!" Bill and Ritchie shouted as the clown turned its attention to me it started to crawl over to me as a coward in the corner, I let out a bloodcurdling scream as it reached its arm out. I covered my eyes in the fear, until I heard the garage door open, I look to see the clown has disappeared, all of us where panting heavily I got up and walked over to the others and gave Bill, Richie and Bev a hug,
"Thanks guys for saving my life, I thought I was gonna die for a second" I struggled to get out as I panted heavily. Bill hugged me again,
"It's o-ok Mollie" he comforted me,
"It saw us, it saw us and it knows where we are" Eddie said in a scared tone,
"It always did" Bill said.
Bill walked outside,
"So let's go" he said
"Go? Go where?" Ben asked.
"Neibolt, that's where G-Georgie is" Bill said,
"After that?" Stan questioned
"Yeah, it's summer. We should be outside." Richie said
"If you say it is summer one more f-fucking time" Bill said in a irritated tone, he began to walk over to his bike, silver and rode away,
"Bill!" Bev and I shouted in which he didn't listen as he rode further away,
"Wait!" I shouted,
"Cone on guys" Bev said as we all got on our bikes to follow Bill to where he was going.

Authors note: hi guys, next chapter is the losers first encounter in neibolt street and I can't wait to write my interpretation in! I thought I was gonna get onto to it this chapter however I'm going to do one big one tomorrow so sorry if this chapter is a little short, I wanna thank you all for reading this chapter and the next one will be released tomorrow 😁❤️

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