Chapter 11

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We all ran out of the house screaming, especially Eddie and Ben due to pain they where in, Mike put Eddie in his bike basket as he couldn't ride his own bike due to the broken arm and we all rode rapidly to Mrs Kaspbrak's house. When she saw the state her son was in was furious. She grabbed him by his healthy arm and pulled him away from us,
"You, you did this" she snapped pointing at us all,
"You know how delicate he is" she continued as she starting to guide Eddie to the car.
"We were attacked M-Mrs K" Bill tried to explain but was immediately cut off by Mrs Kaspbrak,
"No Don't" she shouted as she made Eddie get in the car.
"Don't try and blame anyone else"she continued as she closed the car door I looked at Eddie in the car and he had an expression of pure sadness as he tried to avoid eye contact with us all. Eddie's mom dropped her keys
"Let me help" Beverly crouched down to grab the keys,
"Get back!" Mrs K bellowed at Beverly, she the got close to Beverly "oh I've heard of you, miss Marsh and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son" she said in cruel tone.
"Hey that's out of order" I stood up for Bev, Mrs K turned her attention to me,
"Miss Tozier, I don't think your parents would be best pleased with you hanging out with this slut. Then again you look like your turning out to be one yourself I don't want you two girls anywhere near my Eddie bear" she said with a nasty smirk on her face, she looked at me as if I was a piece of dirt, which made me more angry,
"You know what Mrs K, maybe you need to realise that your son has a life other than you, you only try to control him because you are an sad, lonely and bitter woman and deep down you know one day he is going to leave you and realise what a nasty monster you really are" I snapped, which in return I felt a sharp burn on the side of my cheek. Mrs Kaspbrak just slapped me!
"You dare speak to me like that again you little brat" she snapped, but before I could saying anything Richie grabbed my arm before I retaliated to the action Mrs K just did.
"Mrs K I-I-I-" Bill tried to say before Mrs K cut him off,
"No! You are all monsters. All of you, and Eddie is done with you. Do you hear? Done!" She yelled, she immediately after walked away to the drivers side of the car and drove off.
We was left speechless for a few seconds,
"I can't believe you stood up to Eddie's mom like that you are a badass" Richie grinned,
"Thank you for sticking up for me Mollie" Bev smiled,
"No problem she had no right speaking to you the way she did" I replied,
"I saw the well, w-w-we know where it is and next time we'll be prepared" Bill stated,
"No! No next time Bill your insane" Stan snapped
"Why? We all no one else is going to do anything" Beverly said in defence of Bill,
"Eddie was nearly killed! My sister nearly got eaten alive by rats! And look at this motherfucker he's leaking hamburger helper!" Richie said as he pointed to Ben.
"We can't pretend it's gonna go away. Ben, you said it yourself it comes back every 27 years" Beverly said,
"Fine I'll be 40 and far away from here, I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too " Ben said in response,
"Because I wanna run towards something not away" Bev explained.
"I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald to the group?" Richie said as he pointed to Beverly, she responded by putting the middle finger up at him,
"Richie stop" I sighed,
"I'm just saying, let's face facts. Real world! Georgie is dead, stop trying to get us killed too." Richie blurted out, I gasped at what he said as I thought it was wrong what he said to Bill. Richie tried to storm past him but Bill stood in front of him,
"G-Georgie's not dead" Bill's voice cracked as his eyes were watering,
"You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself" Richie said trying to get past him again but once again Bill stood in his way.
"No, t-t-take it back" Bill said as he was on the verge of tears,
"You're scared and we all are, but take it back!" Bill said as he pushed Richie back,
"Guys stop!" I shouted, as this situation is getting out of hand,
Richie then pushed Bill back, causing Bill to punching Richie in the face.
"Oh my god Richie!" I said in panic as I ran over to him,
Stan and Mike helped him up,
"You're just a bunch of losers! Fuck off!" Richie yelled in rage, as he tried to fight bill. Stan and Mike had to hold back Richie as me and Ben held back Bill.
"You're just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourselves killed, I'm not letting me and my sister get involved with this shit anymore, trying to catch a fucking stupid clown" Richie shouted, both of them still trying to fight each other,
"Stop!" Bev screamed as she got in between to the two of them, causing them to stop for a minute. All four of us let go off the two,
"This is what it wants, it wants to divide us, we were all together when we hurt IT. That's why we are still alive" Beverly stated. I nodded as even though we nearly got killed the only reason we are all alive is because we hurt IT together.
"Yeah? Well I plan to keep it that way" Richie said as he pushed past Bill, this time Bill didn't stop him, Stanley followed him.
"Come on Mollie!" He shouted to me, I debated in my head whether I should join him but I decided to stay with Bill and Bev,
"Rich I'll meet you at home" I said nervously,
"Fine suit yourself!" He snapped, as he got onto his bike, as well as Stanley.
Ben then started to walk over to his bike,
As well as Mike,
"Mike" Bev called to him,
"Guys, I can't do this, my grandad is right. I'm an outsider, gotta stay that way" Mike responded as he walked over to his bike and rode away, leaving only me, Bill and Bev.
"I'm sorry for p-p-punching Richie, Mollie" he said with guilt on his face,
"I don't agree with what you did, but I do understand why you reacted that way. My brother should have never said that about Georgie" I said,
"Thanks for staying Mollie" Bev smiled,
"No problem, I know Rich won't be happy for me for a while" I shrugged, however knowing that Richie won't be happy with me for a while made me sad as he is my best friend and brother compiled into one,
We all hopped on our bikes as Bev rode in the opposite direction to me and Bill as her house was on the other side of town, Bill and I rode to my house as he wanted to make sure I got home safely,
"Thanks Billy" I smiled faintly
"It's o-ok I'm sorry again for punching R-Richie" he frowned,
"Honestly it's fine, I will sort things out with him he will eventually come round" I reassured him,
"H-How's your cheek?" Bill said as he gently caressed my cheek, this action made me getting intense butterflies in my stomach.
"It will be ok just stung a little afterwards" I replied,
"I'm sorry about what Richie said he was wrong to say that to you" I gave him a guilty look,
"It's n-not your fault" he said as he put his finger under my chin and lifted it up as our eyes met, causing me to blush,
"I-I need to get these scratches bandaged up anyway, but thank you again" I smiled, as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"A-Are you still up for a date" he smiled nervously.
"Of course, how about next Tuesday?" I suggested,
"S-sure I would love that" he relied,
"Tuesday it is then" I blushed,
"Bye Billy boy" I waved goodbye giving him a smile,
"Bye Mollie" he waved back with his adorable smile. As I walked into to my house to bandage and clean my wounds, I just hope me and Richie's bond will be ok after this.

Authors note: hi guys the next 2-3 chapters will be based around the month where the losers club are split up but, I decided for Mollie to still have a progressing friendship to relationship with Bill still going on, just to take a little bit of a different approach. Thank you all so much for reading 😁❤️

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