Chapter 6

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As Richie and I got home we both ate our dinner and the things Ben told us still was on my mind, after we ate I went up to my room and just laid in bed thinking however this time about Bill which is a common occurrence. I started to write in my journal about my day until suddenly, I heard a peculiar scurrying noise coming from under my bed, I hesitantly looked under my bed and to my horror I saw rats coming from under floorboards, I let out a bloodcurdling scream,
"Holy shit!" I screamed,
I stood on my bed terrified as dozens of rats covered my floor,
"Help me!" I screamed. Hoping my parents and Richie could hear me.
They all began to climb on my bed and started to crawl on my feet, my biggest fear was coming to life. One then bit me on the leg which left blood flowing from my left leg,
A scream left my lips immediately,
I covered my eyes, hoping this was one big nightmare. I opened them after a few seconds and to my confusion all the rats disappeared, however my rat bite was still there, I got off my bed reluctantly and ran to the door, as I tried to open the door to my shock it was locked! I began panicking and banged on the door continuously trying to get my parents and Richie's attention,
"Help me!" I yelled
"Mom, Dad, Richie please!" I continued to plead. I looked around for a second and standing in front of me was something terrifying... it was a clown,
His hair was bright orange, he had red makeup and he was dressed in an Victorian looking clown costume, and scariest of all he had the most haunting grin covering his face
"Oh my god!" I gasped in terror and backed myself in the corner of my room, shivers ran through my spine,
"Hello Mollie" he said in a creepy tone,
"Who the f-fuck are you?" I stuttered in fear,
He had a red balloon in his hand and his grin started to grow making him look even more terrifying,
"Do you want to float?" He chuckled menacingly
I covered my eyes again in fear this can't be real surely, tears started flowing from my eyes
"This can't be real. Please don't hurt me" I sobbed.
His laugh going around my head like a haunted  broken record. After a few minutes of me tucked up in the corner of the room with my eyes covered sobbing uncontrollably, I heard a balloon pop,
I opened my eyes and to my shock the clown disappeared. Loud bangs came from the door,
Which made me jump, could this be the clown?
"Mollie are you ok?" Richie said in a worried tone as he bursted in the room. He looked over to the corner that I was sitting in and saw me sobbing,
"Oh my God Mollie what happened? I have been trying to get in for like 5 minutes all I could hear was screaming and crying from the other room" he blurted out in a panic, he glanced down at my leg and saw the bite mark on my leg,
"Who did that?" He asked
"It was a rat there was loads of them Richie they all swarmed my room and climbed on my bed and one bit me and I closed my eyes and then they all were gone I tried to open the door and it was locked I looked around and saw a clown I thought I was gonna die Rich" I blurted out will tears still streamed from my face,
Richie wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed into his shoulder,
"Hey it's ok sis I'm here to protect you now" even though Richie is known to be a little insensitive and immature at times, he was always there for me and always wanted to protect me.
"Thanks Rich" I wiped my tears and gave him a thankful smile,
"Let's get this cut cleaned up and after we can watch and a movie and you can stay in my room if you like" Richie suggested,
"Yeah I would like that thanks bro" I sniffled with a little smile on my face,
"No problem sis" he smiled back.
"As long as it's not a scary movie though" I laughed a little
"Of course not" he chuckled in return.
We both decided to watch Grease as it was our favourite movie growing up we both sang all the songs which put a smile on my face and cheered me up and put that incident out my mind, after the movie we went up to bed and I slept in Richie's bed as he slept on a sleeping bag on the floor,
"Rich can we leave the light on?" I asked nervous of the clown showing up again.
"Yeah of course"
"Night Rich"
"Night Mollie"

Authors note: i thought I would go with an unique approach and created Mollies fear as a rat as it is my biggest fear in real life so this would be a real life nightmare of mine, next chapter will be out either today or tomorrow thank you so much for reading again. 😁❤️

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