Chapter 3

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As we were riding our bikes to the pharmacy Eddie was on a rant,
"I think it's great that we're helping the new kid but we also need to think about our own safety. I mean he's bleeding all over and you guys know that there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak, right? My moms friend in New York City got it by touching a dirty pole on the subway and a soo of AIDS blood got into his system through a hangnail. A hangnail! And you can amputate legs and arms, but how do you amputate a waist? How do you amputate a waist!"
We arrived outside the pharmacy and Eddie was still ranting about how many diseases we can catch in alley ways.
"We're screwed" I sighed.
"Rich wait here, M-M-M-Mollie, Eddie, Stan come on" Bill ordered,
We all sprinted to the pharmacy to help the chubby boy as soon as possible.

Eddie started grabbing as many supplies as possible so such as bandages and things to clean the wound,
"Can we afford all that?" Bill asked,
Stanley and I looked in our pockets I only had 3 dollars and Stanley only has 2 dollars
"Shit I only have 2 dollars"
"I only have 3 how are we supposed to afford all this?" I asked,
"You kidding me" Eddie sighed,
"Wait you have an account here don't you?" Bill asked Eddie
"If my mom finds out I bought all this stuff for myself, I'm spending the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting x-rayed"Eddie whispered
"Fuck" I face palmed thinking how we are gonna afford to help the poor boy outside.
Then we saw a familiar red headed girl just about to walk into the isle we were on,
It was Beverly Marsh I have spoke to her on a few occasions as she also gets bullied for supposedly being a whore but I knew it wasn't true since she was a sweet girl,
She stood there awkwardly hiding something behind her back,
"You okay?" I asked her,
"I'm fine what's wrong with you?" She questioned awkwardly
"None of your business" Stanley responded
"There's a kid outside looked like someone killed him" Eddie blurred out,
"W-W-We need some s-supplies but we don't have any money" bill shrugged,
Beverly looked at as she thought of something,
"Wait I have an idea" she smiles

Her idea was to talk to the owner of the pharmacy Mr Keene, the father of Greta. However, unlike Greta he was a lot nicer but in a much creepier way. Her plan was to distract him so we could steal the supplies and help the boy as soon as possible.
"I like your glasses Mr Keene, you look just like Clark Kent" she said in a sweet voice,
"Oh well I don't know about that" he chuckled flattered by the comment.
"Can I try them?" She asked him,
He proceeded to give her his glasses as she tried them,
"What do you think?" she softly says,
"Well, how about that you look like Lois Lane" he smiled creepily.
As she was about to give him the glasses she knocked over the shelf of cigarettes and as he proceeds to pick them up, Beverly looks behind to us to give us look to go. We rush out the pharmacy quick enough so we don't get caught.

"Just suck the wound" Richie says to Eddie trying to piss him off like per usual.
"I need to focus right now" Eddie already getting annoyed.
We now learned that the boy that we saved is called Ben and he is new to our school as he had only just moved into town a month ago.
"You need to focus?" Richie questions,
"Yeah, Mollie can you go and get me something?" Eddie asks,
"Sure what do you need?" I ask
"I need my bifocals, there in my second fanny pack"
"W-W-Why do you need another fanny pack" Bill asks.
"I need to focus right now it's a long story" Eddie explains
As I go to something to cleanse the wound with I notice Stanley has gone down the alley way somewhere.
"Here you go" I pass the medical stuff to Eddie,
"You need to suck the wound before you apply the Band aids. This is 101" Richie still talking about sucking the wound,
"You don't know what you are talking about" Eddie snaps, once again another one of Eddie and Richie's constant arguments,
As I turn around I see Beverly and Stanley come towards us,
"Are you okay? That looks like it hurts?" Beverly looked concerned,
I turn to see Ben blushing and it was obvious to see he has a crush on the redhead which was sweet to see,
"Oh no I'm good I just fell" Ben lied to make himself look cool in front of her
"Yeah right into Henry Bowers" Richie blurted,
"S-S-Shut it Richie" Bill whispered a little loudly,
"Why it's the truth"
"You sure they got the the right stuff to fix you up?" Beverly smiled as she walked towards him
"You know, We'll take care of him" Stan reassured her
"Thanks again Beverly" I smiled at her,
"Sure maybe I'll see you around" she smiled,
"Yeah we we're thinking about going to the quarry if you would like to join us?" Stanley smiled,
"Good to know, thanks" she smiled as she walked away,
"Bye Beverly" she returned my goodbye with a wave,
"Nice bringing up Bowers in front of her Dingus" I give Rich my annoyed look,
"Yeah dude did you heard what she did" Eddie whispered
"What did she do?" Ben asked with a worried look,
"You mean who'd she do from what I hear the list is longer than my want" Richie grinned,
"T-That's not saying much" Bill scoffed, causing me to laugh,
"Good one Billy boy" I gave him a side hug causing him to give me his sweet little smile,
"Besides, t-they're just rumours"
"Anyway Bill had her back in third grade.they kissed in the school play, the reviews said you can't fake that sort of passion" Richie said with enthusiasm, which caused my to frown at little and I noticed Bens face to drop a little too,
Bill noticed my demeanour change too,
"Y-You okay?" He asked in a concerned tone,
"I'm fine don't worry" I gave him a fake smile, hoping he would buy it,
"Now pip-pip and tally ho my good fellows, I do believe this chap requires the utmost attention" Richie says in his British accent, he does this to cheer me up as he noticed my expression change too and knows his impressions always put a smile on my face.
"Get in there, Dr K. Come on fix him up" he continued.
"Why don't you shut the fuck up Einstein, because I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the British guy with me right now" Eddie snapped,
"Suck the wound get in there"

Authors note: Hi guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know you guys are probably wondering but I decided to change it to Stan having the crush on Beverly instead as I feel like it would fit the narrative of my fanfiction better just to clear up the confusion 😁❤️

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