Chapter 14

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Today is the day of Stan's bar Mitzvah at the synagogue,
I sat next to Richie and he was sat between me and my mother. We were the only ones here out of the losers club as we watch Stan become a man. Stan stood at the stand which I noticed he looked nervous, which I saw Richie pick up on too,
"Do you think he is ok?" I whispered to Richie,
"I don't think so" he whispered back before getting shushed by our mother. Stan then started his speech after reading from the Torah.
"Reflecting on the meaning of what I just read, the word comes up a lot which means to change, to transform. Which makes sense I guess because today I'm supposed to become a man, it's funny though. Everyone I think have some memories they're prouder of than others right and maybe that's why change is so scary because the things we wish we could leave behind, the whispers we wish we could silence, the nightmares we most want to wake up from, the memories we wish we could change, secrets we feel we have to keep are the hardest to walk away from. The good stuff, the pictures in our mind that fade away the fastest, those pieces of you feels the easiest to loose. Maybe I don't want to forget, maybe if that's what today is all about forget it right?" Stanley then was interrupted by his father.
"Thank you Stanley" his father said before Stanley continued his speech whilst walking away as his father tried to take the microphone off him,
"Uh today I'm supposed to become a man but I don't feel, I don't feel any different, I-I know I'm a loser, and no matter what I'll always fucking will be" he said as all the people watching gasped,
Me and Richie stood up and started to clap before our mother quickly telling us to sit down.
Stanley then walked out of the synagogue in which me and Rich followed him not listening to our mother,
"Stan wait up!" I called over to him.
In which he stop,
"You guys came?" He said with a confused expression,
"Of course we did your one of our best friends" I smiled, in which he returned,
"I gotta say that's one of the most coolest fucking things you have done Stan the man" Richie grinned holding up his hand to give Stan a high five in which surprisingly Stan high fives him back.
"Yeah that was pretty awesome what you did up there, shows how much of man you are, you are stronger than you think" I complimented him,
"really?" He gave me a puzzled look,
"Of course you are" I said as I walked over to give him a hug in which he returned and Richie joined the hug too,
"Losers got to stick together" I said as we all let go out of the hug.
"Thank you guys for showing up it really does mean a lot" Stan smiled, which this is first time in months I have seen him truly happy,
"We wouldn't have missed it for the world Stan the man" Richie smiled back.

Authors note: hi guys , sorry for this short chapter but next chapter will be about when the losers get back together and go back to neibolt so I'm excited about that! Hope you all enjoyed this sorta wholesome chapter as I haven't wrote much about Stanley so it's been nice to base a chapter slightly on him, next chapter will be out in a few days, thank you all for reading 😁❤️

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